
I generally enjoy her in movies, too, but as a person I've found her insufferable since she wore an ill-fitting pink dress (which was lauded to the heavens, despite everyone trying to pretend now that they didn't applaud then) to the Oscars, and then carefully named her parents by first and last names in her

Preferably after she gives it a steam bath.

My daughter could eat Shaggy under the table, and I can still almost span her waist with my (very small) hands.

"Busyhorse," is a new cartoon character I've heard about, designed to make kids feel good about their bodies by being very very active yet oddly chunky and muscle-less.

Duh, no. You're gross and abnormal. Go eat a sandwich, freak.

Thank you! As a petite person I get very tired of being told I'm gross or abnormal or should eat a sandwich. Or—my favorite—that I'm not a real woman (because I don't "have curves," y'see).

But that's expecting people to do work, which is so much harder than just tearing down the work of others and doesn't give you as many smug Socially Aware And Intellectual points.

My daughter has a "thigh gap." She's fourteen, taller than me, and skinny as a rail (I can almost span her waist with my hands, and I have small hands), despite eating quantities of food that would make a linebacker feel queasy. She's just built that way. It happens.

Yes, no one thinks about the "message" we send kids by telling them it's unrealistic to be thin, and that "realistic" automatically equals "overweight."

EXACTLY, thank you! The whole time I read this I was thinking, "Maybe if we didn't tell kids that their appearance was so, so important by constantly asking them how they felt about themselves after looking at these images, they wouldn't care about how 'unrealistic' a fucking cartoon's appearance is."

$10k was her salary as a doctor in the game of Life. It wasn't a real amount anyone was actually making.

I managed to beat Deathstroke on like the sixth or seventh go, but that was because A) I spent a ton of time leveling up before even going to the boat, because I'd watched my husband play and knew Deathstroke was going to be ridiculously hard; B) spent a ton of time practicing in the Batcave; and C) I looked up tons

Man, I can only ditto rumpledtulip. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma, but what an amazing woman she was/is.

Yes, I know. But it was light erupting from the tip of the wand and taking the shape of an animal as it did; the patronus is made of light (at least it appears to be). Hence my qualifying "lightning" with "—or at least light."

Caitlin, why do you suck so much? I'm not advocating that you pretend to have wanted Zoom to kidnap you all along so you could have all the sex or something (or that sex is the way to go at all, even), but seriously, the guy claims to care about you. Maybe you could take advantage of that somehow? Ever heard stories

But a patronus looks kind of like lightning—or at least light—erupting from the tip of the wand, so if you're going to catch lightning with a wand it makes sense that you would think of the Patronus charm.

Gul Dukat was the best.

I get the sense that his visions are usually rather traumatic/unpleasant. But yeah, you'd think they'd use him a lot more. "Hey, Cisco, is Welles's Barry-only particle accelerator going to work?"

Those were some bad pants, weren't they?

I love the idea that it might be Eddie! Nice monkey wrench to throw into the budding Iris-Barry relationship.