
I have to admit, much as dislike Ramsay, I was really hoping that he'd be good to Sansa. Not even so much because I care about Sansa (though I do) or because I want to see Ramsay redeemed, but because I liked the idea of him being so good at pretending, I guess? I dunno. I was intrigued by the idea that he'd have to

No, it's not changing the story through magical revelations, it's revealing the answer to a mystery that's been planted in the books from the beginning.

"…and the math and science required to build and navigate transcontinental sailing ships could not exist in a world without medicine."

I'm pretty sure there have been images/video footage of hanged people around since before Saddam Hussein's death.

My god, dude. I'm glad you survived and hope you're doing better.

Eh, I'm sure there was some fingerbanging mixed in there, too, along with the tonguebanging.

Applause for "Jumping Jack Sparrow."

Well, you miss stuff when your focus is on yourself instead of the show, you know? And it's hard to write well about something when you seemingly have nothing but contempt for it, and think you could do it all so much better.

God, thank you!! Last week I thought maybe I was having an off day or was too excited to properly read it or something, but this week I decided no, it really is the bizarre and incomprehensible semi-stream-of-consciousness writing. And then I was afraid I was the only one.

I'm not loving the show, but my daughters are. :-) (I'm not hating it, though.) And I absolutely agree with you re Ray being just a good guy; it's nice to see a character who is just plain *good,* and whose goodness is, while used for gentle laughs occasionally, not snarked about or made fun of to the point where he's

An "objective" observer who obviously knows very little about either country, I think you mean.

Good thing Sara didn't decide to shoot the guards holding Stein, thus freeing him to run off and bind with Jax to make their escape. It was much better that she let them take Stein into the lab… Oh, wait.

This movie is fucking hilarious. I will always love it.

"We're not twins."

Mine too!

Muzz, Emil! Emil Muzz!

Revered, you got ballth big as churchbellth.

Pretty sure he and Crawford had an affair, though.

…She was probably foolish enough to believe that her husband, the father of her children, wouldn't attempt to turn their kids against her in that way and so she was safe to leave their sides to go to work.

I always assumed the younger adopted kids just had a very different mother than Christina & Christopher; their mom wasn't at the height of her fame and it wasn't, ahem, her first time at the mothering rodeo. So their experience was very different, but that doesn't mean C&C's experience was all a lie. (I do agree that