I always figured that since they were adopted later, both after Joan had dealt with having kids around and after her star had started to fade a bit, they just had a very different mother.
I always figured that since they were adopted later, both after Joan had dealt with having kids around and after her star had started to fade a bit, they just had a very different mother.
I love that line.
Oh, Bing was a vicious asshole to his poor kids. Ugh.
Oh, poor Marie.
I seem to recall that Hollywood Babylon 2 has a full, ah, split beaver shot of Joan.
Waldo Lydecker couldn't stand the thought of his Laura—his creation, his apprentice—being sullied by the common messiness of the marriage bed, especially with a low beast like Shelby. He couldn't stand the thought of her becoming some generic married woman, probably with kids; just another soft, sloppy mother with her…
Oh, my, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Mine broke a wooden spoon and a hairbrush on me (two separate incidents) and kicked a hole in the hallway wall once. Among other things.
Oh, you know Julia's kids are going to have some things to say. Bleh.
Eh, I can't believe Meryl is anything but a good person—or at least one I'll always have a soft spot for—because of her relationship with John Cazale and her utter devotion to him.
Jenna Miscavige's book in definitely on my to-read list.
The funny thing is, she was perfect in The Women; her character's scheming villainy is so clear with her in the part, whereas a "softer" actress might have made you sympathize with/feel sorry for her. The second Joan turns up as that horrid man-stealing perfume girl, you know this girl is using the husband and that…
OMG! I've been wishing there was footage of that for years; very excited, even though it's only audio. Thank you!!
It is in there, oh yes.
God, I remember that opening so well. I get genuinely teary thinking of it. (Though not as much as I do thinking of the opening song Wehrenberg Theatres put before all of its movies. "Bah bah bah bah, bah bah bah bah bah bahbah, Wehrenberg, Wehrenberg Theee-atres!"
You sure told us!
The pizza is coming!
So…when my husband and I originally watched this ep, years ago…we're giggling at Bill's (totally fun) costume, watching him put on lipstick in the mirror, and suddenly my husband says, in this deep Jame-Gumb voice, "Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me."
Who controls the British crown?
At the moment, people aren't following Ramsay, they're following Roose, in part because they swore an oath to do so (news of Roose's death hasn't yet spread). Ramsay thinks they'll continue to follow him out of fear, because when someone tries to rebel he has them tortured and killed. This is a big part of the…