TMI, dude.
TMI, dude.
Yeah, it's also frustrating that he didn't try something else when it became obvious that no one understood his spiffy tap code. Like, dude, they clearly don't get it, so maybe try hand gestures or writing letters in the air or something?
Men who enjoy romance in their books/movies/TV shows are disturbing? Men who get enthusiastic about romance in their books/movies/TV shows, and look forward to seeing the characters they care about find happiness together, are disturbing? That's only something girls should do, because vaginas?
To be fair, they did say something along the lines of "We can help you," just before that final battle started, but Gray's response was, "You can't help me," and nobody really argued with him. They certainly didn't explain that using his powers was aging him and making him die so maybe he should just sit there and…
Plus Olly is a child. Alliser is a grown man who should be able to see reason and consider the safety of the world vs. his revenge.
They did, or at least they certainly appeared to. I re-watched that episode recently.
Yeah, I hate that rabbity-looking little shit, but in fairness to him (and the others), Jon didn't exactly explain his reasoning, either. If he'd flat-out said, "Look, if we don't bring them onto this side of the wall, they'll turn into WWs and be basically unkillable," maybe the men of the Watch might have at least…
Dolorous Edd?
No, the Glenn thing was a deliberate bait-and-switch. Jon's resurrection is—most believe—going to have a real impact on the story, as in, the story wouldn't be able to go in the direction it will go had Jon not been killed and resurrected.
Thank you sir may I have another?
"As a Netflix user, you may think your queue is full of titles that accurately represent your cultural tastes and individuality."
Ugh, yes! Just like how TED Talks and documentaries are not the same thing.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Yeah, my husband and I were really excited about the new special, too, but I feel like watching him talk about her and their life together would just be painful right now.
I am so sorry for your loss.
That is awesome.
Yep, me too. Is your goal to make a funny movie (a movie you-the-filmmaker think is funny, anyway; I find the idea abhorrent), or is your goal specifically to shit on Reagan? Because if your goal is shitting on Reagan to the point that if you can't make the movie about him you won't make it at all…then you shouldn't…
She did not "ignore" a dying Rock Hudson's request for help. The Reagans, along with a few of their advisors, decided that it wouldn't be right or fair for the White House to ask the French government to overrule the Commanding Officer of a French military hospital in order to allow an actor who was friends with the…
Reagan started funding AIDS research in '82. He basically doubled that funding every year thereafter; in 1987 it was $1.6 billion.