
Okay, well, I'm not really sure why you can't just say your experience is different without calling me a liar, but whatever. I'm very sorry for not giving a satisfactory answer that had a stronger ring of truth for you. I merely wanted to let you know I saw and appreciated your reply but that I'd had similar trouble

Nah, the Polynesian/Micronesian countries leave everybody else in the dust, obesity-wise (Mexico does beat the US, though, certainly).

"A lot of maybes?" What does that mean? I didn't say "maybe." I stated an indisputable fact: the US does NOT have the highest percentage of clinically obese people in the world.

Even in Petite! Or I run into the same situation as in Juniors, sigh.

Ah, good point. I hadn't considered that one. Thanks!

I can only assume it's Angelina Jolie. She wears all the pants in the world.

Yeah, I really want to like Schumer, and find some of the jokes on her show funny, but as a person she's really losing me. The way she went off on that kid on Twitter was Not Cool; celebrities engaging in online bullying piss me off.

FWIW, I agree with you. I buy what fits, and don't worry if the label says a number higher than what I usually buy unless I'm buying it because my old clothes no longer fit comfortably (in which case, actually, I cut down on calories until my old stuff fits well again).

Part of that size discrepancy between Hong Kong and the US has nothing to do with weight, though. Americans tend to be taller and have larger bones/a different body type.

A gentleman cares about making other people comfortable and being respectful, and one of the ways he demonstrates that respect is by dressing properly.

The US does NOT have the highest percentage of clinically obese people in the world.

I dunno. I just breezed past forty myself, and don't feel like it's okay for me to not give a fuck anymore; I mean, there's still a little life left in me. :-)

I've had that thought. Sometimes it feels like the only thing "empowerment" on issues like these does is take options away.

I admit, that didn't seem right to me.

Not all of them, though. They do make odd-numbered women's clothes.

And sizing for women seems to make no difference as far as length in jeans/pants. I'm a size 2-4 and am constantly finding that the legs on jeans cover my feet with several inches of jean past my toes. Granted I'm only 5'2, but who are these six-foot-tall size-2-waist women they're making these jeans for?

My favorite was when the promo for Hank's Roundtable Restaurant (or whatever it was called, I only remember the spinning platform) got cut, and the episode ended with Hank bellowing, "Bunch of fuckers! BUNCH OF FUCKERS!" Hilarious. I loved Hank.

Hank Kingsley and Rip Torn's character were the main reasons I watched Larry Sanders; I didn't generally think Larry was so funny (David Duchovny was hilarious, though) but Hank killed me. My husband and my brother and I (I've tried several times to phrase that to make it unmistakably clear that my husband and my

Lol, sorry, I did mean American expat in Britain, but "bloody immigrant," also describes us pretty well.

Lol. You know, that Frank Stallone has always looked shifty to me.