
I've (along with the rest of the world, it seems) always thought Hiddleston seemed like such a cool, fun, smart guy, and now I think so even more. I love his sense of humor and his attitude toward his work, and now I love his obvious respect for Hank Sr., Hank's fans, and his legacy.


They're totally coming over.

Yeah, I totally would have let Andy Dwyer do whatever he wanted to me. I like a man with a little meat on his bones—I mean, I sure as hell don't complain when they look like Chris Pratt/Hemsworth in Guardians or Thor, because that's damn nice to look at, and I don't find slim men unattractive*, either, but when I look

Plus, how else are you supposed to absorb the strengths and abilities of those people?

I genuinely loled there.

I have avoided the sun since I was about fourteen (and am also an extremely pale person). I am now forty-two, and have been carded twice in the last month—admittedly, on both those days I'd taken the time and trouble to do my make-up etc. as well so wasn't just bare-skinned me…but it was still pretty fucking cool.

Mints actually do work for nausea, though. Regular mints, like Altoids or Mentos, ingested normally. I have no idea why someone would go through the bother of rubbing magnesium oil on their feet when they could just suck on a couple of Tic-Tacs instead.

Honestly, I don't think it's so much people caring what others ingest as it is that the "I eat clay to absorb toxins," thing is so closely related to the "I don't get vaccinations," and "I'll tell you grandmother that she doesn't need chemo, she should just drink lots of carrot juice and pump coffee up her butt,"

I've always used baking soda for that, but I've heard crushed Tylenol works, too.

Wrong! Love is a battlefield, duh.

One of my favorite bits ever! I love that movie so much.

You sound like you know how that actually feels… :-)

Yeah, I'm not only having a hard time with the "Military goes for torture first thing," cliche and the "Of course the protag is right," cliche, but the idea that it's totally fine for one young woman to override the express orders of the President because the villain is her aunt and she just "knows" her aunt is really

Oh, that's excellent news! I am so, so glad to hear that—it's just brightened *my* day! :-) Here's to many happy years to come.

Ah, right, I remember that now. Thanks!

It's not like that anymore, though! When we had a slumber party for my younger's 10th birthday, I didn't plan anything (other than cupcake decorating) because I thought they'd just play silly games and giggle with each other the way my friends and I did at childhood parties. I ended up with five little girls staring

"God, I hope I don't have girls for kids."

Hey, I know this is an older comment, but just sending some best wishes for you and your dad.

Halfway through this episode, my husband leaned over to me and whispered, "This show is so stupid." I could not but agree.