"For Cochran and the rest of the defense, their ultimate goal was not to prove Simpson didn’t do it but to instead prove that there are other people who could have done it."
I think it's a little how anyone would feel, really.
That's it almost exactly, actually, except I believe Cochrane said "If the glove *don't* fit."
It is, but the problem with it is, why didn't he take the pills? Did he just stop taking them assuming that at some point he'd be asked to try on the gloves, or was it just a massive coincidence?
And that a lawyer who doesn't want to serve his client ought to leave and let the client have a new lawyer.
I just (re)watched that a couple of days ago! I used to love that series and have always had a serious case of hero-worship toward Dr. Baden. (I mentioned to my husband that Dr. Baden was one of the docs called to Kardashian's house to examine OJ before his arrest, and how I was shocked they didn't mention that. He…
Huh. I didn't really get that at all. My take on the party scene with Darden's friends was that, hokey as it may sound, people are more than skin color and lots of us can get along with and make friends with people of other skin colors—that the racial tensions of the case may have made it seem like people of different…
That was my thought. I'd have been speaking to that manager—if not immediately, because of publicity, then right after the trial.
His deadpan thumbs-up at Paulson over the new hairdo made my husband and I laugh so hard we had to rewind.
What got me is that no one even nodded a thank-you at the staff as they served the food/drinks. Rude assholes.
In fairness…Turtle was a creepy murderer. I mean, I see your point and agree with it, I'm just saying I'd maybe not be too upset either if the guy who tried to embalm my ex while she was still alive was found dead in his cell.
I mentioned that once or twice during the show's opening, but the sour looks from my husband convinced me it was best left unrepeated in my house. :-) So thanks for showing me I'm not the only one who has that thought every week!
You know, I agree with you, but my fourteen-year-old daughter has the world's biggest crush on Gustin—her rapt attention every second he's on the screen is adorable—and I think even hearing about him going full-frontal would freak her out; she's just not ready for the whole reality-of-adult-sexuality yet.
I was trying to figure out why he needed to carry them a block away when he could have just set them down across the street and let them run the rest of it. They had plenty of time.
"Well, aren't we glad that's over—aaah!"
I don't think it is, but I'm upvoting you for an interesting theory anyway. :-)
So do most of the American journalists working today, unfortunately.
Eh, I don't really think he sexually assaulted her—she kissed him, he seemed to be trying to get away—but his being at Joe's deathbed instead of running to get Earth2 Barry was inexcusable.
I might get some shit for this, but is there some reason why the police can't just take Geomancer down? He doesn't have superspeed, he can't freeze them or burn them, why can't they just pile on him? Or just shoot him. Use a rubber bullet if you don't want to kill him.