No, I agree, too.
No, I agree, too.
BTW, sorry in case that came off snotty; it wasn't my intent (but a "not being snotty" smiley face seemed like it would be weird). (You don't seem to have taken it so, I'm just saying in case you did but decided to be friendly and polite in response anyway.)
Sigh. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.
God, yes. SO tired of this hair. I can't even think of a current show that doesn't have at least a couple of women with this stupid boring hairdo.
And yet despite their attempts to make her seem all goth/punk, she loves current music hits and dancing to them (or she hates everything in a really heavy-handed way).
Except some of us women have the sense not to buy purses whose straps are not long enough for us, or which do not have compartments which make them easy to organize. Sheesh. It's not like the government forces us to carry purses, or like only one type of purse exists in the world. It's not like anything or anyone…
I have never in my life heard that, just as I do not know a single man who has an undercut—if anything, I always thought the undercut was considered more "fruity." Huh.
Have you never heard the phrase "tilting at windmills?"
I think you mean Don Quixote.
If I keep my hair shorter—like, two- or three-inch layers—it's pretty straight, but when it gets longer it curls into spiral/ringlets, too.
Link (or name of site) please!
I really liked that book when we read it freshman year in high school.
I think you're just prejudice. Or bias. I defiantly think they're one in the same, anyways.
Mentioning Star Trek is not remotely violating CBS's copyright. That's not at all what copyright is or does. You can mention anything you want; acknowledging that a work exists, or analyzing or discussing that work, is not in any way a violation of copyright.
The query only needs to be serviceable; make the pages shine.
Uh, it wasn't "obviously" unintended; I paid you the respect of assuming you knew exactly what you were saying, and it was rude and insulting. Should I have assumed you're not capable of understanding what your own words mean, really?
Perhaps you need to read my original comment again, re why it exists.
That may be a problem with the number of electoral votes allocated to each state, but it's not a problem with the electoral college itself as an entity/system, if you know what I mean; flaws in the system don't mean the system itself is flawed.
Their Arkham Origins walkthrough is almost useless, sigh.