
Clearly the answer is yes. No one—at least not under the age of 29—has any actual opinions about anything; they all just run around reading lines off of the laminated "Say this and get laid" cards they were issued by the government when they turned eighteen.

I thought chicks dig Bernie Sanders to impress bros?

Yeah, I really don't understand the idea some people seem to have that the Top 250 is some sort of powerful industry game-changer. It's a list of the highest-ranked movies on a particular website, and that's all. It's not as though the producer/director/actors get a big financial bonus at the end of the year because

No, those states may be the ultimate deciders—as in, the candidates are fairly equally balanced and winning a big state can make the difference—but they are not all that matter. You need 270 electoral votes to win the Presidency, and Florida, Ohio, and two or three other states are not enough to deliver that number.

Wow…did I do something to you to deserve those insults, or am I just too dumb to appreciate your kindness in deigning to respond to me at all?

Thanks, I'll take a look!


That's my takeaway, as well. How awesome, that people dismissed as "bros" because of their age actually appreciate much more nuanced, interesting, and sensitive movies than the word "bro" implies they would?

Ratings are (generally; I think you can hide them if you want) visible to anyone who looks at your profile, but most people don't make IMDb profiles under their own real names and link them to their other social media sites etc. So yeah, it's not as if your IMDb votes make a difference in your life outside of IMDb.

It's almost as if women are capable of judging and enjoying films based on things other than the pee-pees of the director or stars…

Agreed. She's making the classic-but-still-stupid mistake of confusing equality of opportunities with equality of outcomes, and she's compounding it by claiming that equality of outcomes is somehow the "democratic" way—when in fact it's the opposite.

Top. Men.

Yes. Surprisingly, it's not fun to read articles which imply that you're a hateful toad simply because you have a different opinion on a subject, and it feels like the new Pru goes out of her way to do so. (But then, it also feels like Slate is increasingly doing the same.)

I remember those!

Yes, we see similar arguments about the electoral college, too, complaining that a simple majority—i.e. voters on the two coasts alone or in a few select cities—is so much better, because apparently voters in less populous states shouldn't count so much. Stunning.

Frederick, these are the *1880s*.

Yeah, I'm a fairly regular poster there as well, and I agree. I've had some delightful conversations with other movie lovers there; if you stay away from the current box-office hits, you can find some really cool people and interesting discussions.

Yep. I gave a 10 to all of those (with the exception of Schindler, since I haven't rated that one).

I'm a female and a regular IMDb user/rater/poster, and I gave both Shawshank and Dark Knight each a ten, because I think they're pretty amazing movies—for very different reasons, but still. (I gave The Godfather a 10, too, because, well, it deserves it, as does Die Hard.)

Who ever got laid doing anything wrt Shawshank, other than watching it with one's significant other?