Oh, dude.
Oh, dude.
Yeah, I find the author's theory that only young dudes like Shawshank and Dark Knight, and then only because it might get them laid or makes them feel like badasses, a little unpleasant.
I know this is old, but I laughed like a fool at that one, too. We had to pause the show.
Lol, I was trying to be subtle with "Uh, among other things," but yeah, I'd totally like to have sex with him, too. :-)
I found Aldus's reaction to seeing his long-dead parents again, alive and young and standing in front of him, to be distinctly underwhelming/unrealistic. I get that they didn't want to sidetrack into some big emotional thing, but geez, not even a single tear? My parents are still alive, and I imagine if somehow I was…
It's sad that the crossover ep wasn't Constantine's introduction to the Arrow/DCUverse. I found the character so much more interesting and compelling in that one episode than I did in the first episode of Constantine, which IMO was kind of lousy. (And I love Constantine, having been introduced to Hellblazer back at…
Yeah, she was an absolutely disgusting human being, and so was her shitbag husband. It's sad even for those of us who don't like her work.
Blame it on the bassa nova…
I have no idea what you're talking about. They never made a Godfather III.
I seriously love this guy. He's one of the few celebrities I'd honestly like to meet and have a conversation with. (Uh, among other things. But I'd be happy to just hang out with him for a day.)
Wouldn't surprise me one bit. Keanu is like the anti-Cruise.
I, along with two accomplices, once stole a standee of Christian Slater in Mobsters from a local movie theater lobby.
I know this is an old comment, but I wanted to help with/clarify the temperature thing, a little. 40C isn't uncommon in quite a few parts of the US in summer (the midwest, the southwest and southeast), but CA, especially coastal southern CA, is known for its temperate climate year-round. So it's not that Americans in…
I was genuinely disappointed when she left. I liked Rita, but I thought the Dexter/Lumen storyline was awesome—not only could I see them being together, but I could see them being happy together. I thought Lumen humanized him far more than Rita had, and I thought he helped her cope and find her strength in a totally…
"But in general he seems to kill characters off because he thinks there's something interesting or profound about killing off audience favorites."
I dunno, I really liked season 5—I think I'm one of the few who liked Lumen.
I stopped watching The Shield—which I loved—when I found out that a certain hunky moral center was going to die (we were watching on DVD, a few seasons behind). Then I found out that another character, who I also loved—and whose actor is one of my favorites in anything—was going to die, and it stopped me from deciding…
I loled at "White Shadow."