
Ah, and you're apparently a message board intellectual. One of those pretentious fools who thinks his vocabulary will inspire shame and terror in others without realizing they know words, too, and thinks other people want to "provoke fear" because he can't imagine that they're actually just normal, everyday people who

Oh, yes. "Cockshit." Truly eloquent. I think Oscar Wilde said it first, in fact. :rolleyes

Are they not both organizations who receive funds? Do they not both donate funds to further their goals/causes? Just like every other organization that has a political goal?

What difference does that make? I wasn't comparing the purpose of the two groups, they were just the first one that came to mind. My point was that all organizations who receive funds use those funds to further their causes. period.

Hey, why don't you do a google search for "NRA mental health bill," and see what you find?

Um, the US has had an average of 16.4 mass shootings/year from 2006-2013 (according to the FBI and Harvard, who analyzed the data independently).

And when I think "DC and Chicago," I think, "Safe from gun violence!" Lol.

Lol. The no-fly list isn't the same thing as the terrorism watch list. You do know that, right? You know thousands of people get put on the no-fly list for no reason, or accidentally, or because they share a name with somebody?

You do know Democrats take NRA money, too, right?

Yeah, I like the idea of only the government having guns. No way that can possibly ever be a problem. I mean, we've seen how well some police departments have been doing lately with their weapons, so why wouldn't we want them to be the only people who have them?

I think it's funnier when a rapist or murderer or burglar gets shot after breaking into somebody's home. Not incredibly funny, but worth a chuckle.

Wow! It IS valuable to know that an organization like the NRA takes the money its members give it to use on their behalf, and actually *uses it on their behalf,* donating it to politicians who support the goals of its members! JUST LIKE IT'S SUPPOSED TO FUCKING DO. This is how representational government works, FFS.

Sansa is not a child. She consented to marry Ramsey. She knew when she consented that sex was part of it. She agreed to that sex.

Lol, that was my thought, too. "Bran, really? You think Bran is a fan favorite?"

So here's a question. If being around Killgrave infects you with his "virus," for twelve hours or so, and that's the reason why you need to be in his physical presence for him to command you…if he's around you, and you leave and fifteen minutes later he calls you on the phone to give you a command, would you still be

I think he was joking.

Eh, the Simpson thing irritated me—and continues to irritate me, because I actually quite liked him—but the escape didn't bother me so much.

Well, yeah, she's out of prison and has a superhero standing right next to her. But not only is she sick of being the reason Killgrave is alive, as @avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus says, but she killed her parents (and even though she didn't want to, she still has to remember doing it for the rest of

I walked into the open glass cabinet door of our old TV stand and took a chunk out of my calf, about fifteen years ago.

I literally yelped, "Oh my god!" when she stuck the gun under her chin and pulled the trigger.