
Please do that! If I knew anything about how to download(?) and watch such files, I would ask you to please send them to me, but I honestly do not know if that's even possible. (I mean, I assume it is, because I can send manuscripts by email and such, but still.)

That bothers me so much. So, George, I guess you thought kids in the 70s were fully capable of understanding and dealing with complexities, but kids in the 90s will only watch a movie if there are ridiculous cartoon characters and a bunch of pointless action starring one of the brattiest little shits who ever lived?

No, I've got AdBlock, too, and I'm reading these comments in a stupid pop-up box that makes it impossible to scroll up to reference the article and then quickly return to the comment to which I want to reply.

Oh, totally. I think part of the reason why his villains are so memorable is because he has that ability to play "pure-hearted" so well; it brings real conviction to the bad guys, you know? It makes them more interesting.

Oh, how awesome! Heh, I took a chance and look at that. :-) I agree completely about the fit at the waist, and the length is also perfect for me, which is awesome—I'm sure you know what I mean there, since you probably have the same problem with legs being too long or too short.

Oh! And they keep deleting radio stations/messing with my stations. And my stations often ignore the things I specifically say I want to hear, or make bizarre assumptions about my tastes. I've had some songs on my "Play songs like these" lists from the moment I set a new station up, and endless hours later I still

Lazy Cowgirls.

iTunes really annoyed me when they removed chapter breaks/chapter listings from audiobooks. I not longer have the option to skip to chapter twenty; I have to try to move the scrollbar through a file six hours long to try to somehow find it. (Searching for something within a chapter is pretty much impossible this way,

Nice try, Poe.

Yes. Stephen Collins was the last pedophile who existed in the country before Jared. :rolleyes

You need to get on that immediately, sir! Post-haste! :-)

I remember when they had P.J. Soles on, and I was all squealy excited to see Riff Randall, rock'n'roller.

Aw, I thought this show actually had some potential, and some good points—most of which were the brother and his wife, who were genuinely funny. Certainly the last half of its run showed they were starting to catch on to that, and to find some sort of groove.


His attack on the Kansas group wasn't "for no tactical use or good reason other than 'That's what my dad did.'" His attack on the Kansas group was intended to undermine his mother and make the Kansas guys angry, and it served its purpose. It made her look weak; it made her confident, "I can control my sons," look

If you have a chance, try out some Top Shop "Baxter" jeans. You sound as though you're built like me, and the Baxters are really the first jeans I've ever found (post-puberty) that hit my waist right, don't give me cameltoe, don't pinch anywhere, and are flattering and comfortable. I own four pairs (although one of

The first season of Young Doctor's Notebook was amazing, but I found S2 to be intensely depressing. The fun and humor just kind of faded away.

That was "rumpus," not "ruckus." "Hey, Tom, what's the rumpus?"

I'm pretty sure Reagan never actually did that.

Ooh, good catch!