
I'm wondering that, too. I can't imagine what it might be that would also have a legit reason for being in a food-prep area. I'm going to ask my butchers tomorrow if they keep anything in the shop that's really flammable like that, or if they have any idea what someone might keep there that would be; they've been in

Welllll… I get your point, but Simone was trying to entice Mike with her groping, whereas Mike was clearly threatening Simone/asserting authority over her with his.

"Dodd is in some way responsible for what happens?" In some way??

I can name at least one black man who did very well in organized crime in the 1970s: Chester Wheeler Campbell, nicknamed "the 007 of the Detroit Drug Mob," who worked for both old-school Italian mafia families and black-run crime families. And that's just one, off the top of my head, who was famous enough to be a big

I had the same thought! Dude, you don't TELL them they might get a placebo. Especially not in those terms.

THANK YOU. That line annoyed me so much it was hard to read the rest of the review. "Allowed Reagan to rise to power?" I think the reviewer means, "That kind of thinking is what caused the American people to lawfully elect Reagan." He didn't stage a goddamn coup, he won an election fair and square—twice, the second

Agree with you again on this one. The jokes weren't funny, really, and while I wasn't confused by the audience suddenly acting as though Fozzie had morphed into Louis CK (the intention was obvious), it was kind of eye-rolling to see them all doubling over with laughter at a lame, kind of gross joke about sweat—a joke

I noticed the audience laugh-track tonight, and wondered why in the world her audience laughed at whatever it was she said there. Like, how do you even know what she's talking about, this is backstage stuff and she's not joking? So, good point: her audience apparently is into her being bad at her job, and that's how

Thank you! I just posted a similar comment myself (this episode just premiered in the UK, so I've only just seen it). Was that supposed to be funny, or were we supposed to see how eye-poppingly awful and embarrassing it was? Which of those reactions did the show want us to have, and from which angle was the humor

All animals are equal…but some are more equal than others.

Same here. We had to pause the show.

I cringed when Miss Piggy started doing that bizarre hip-hop thing. Well, no, I cringed when the whole musical number started, but when the rapping portion began…ugh. I had to force myself not to groan because one of my kids seemed to be enjoying it and I didn't want to spoil it for her.

I'm glad mine are a little older. I'm also glad we have the DVD set of the original Muppet Shows, which have almost worn out from being played so many times!

I know this is an older comment, but we watch this show every week (we have kids) and every time it starts, I think, "I hope Wynn Duffy is in it this week!"

He's why you're dead. Didn't you read IT?


It is if you're Warren Beatty.

Yep, I forgot about that.

Leopold & Loeb.

Do you know, I have never heard anyone look at that myth in that way before? That's really, really interesting! Thanks for that.