
Get your furries off my Kotaku.

Does it pass butter?

I’m going to build such an amazing Ice Wall, believe me, and I’m gonna make Pharrah pay for it.

What has Mercy ever done for this country? She’s not even American. Runs around, healing, which I’m told is “support”, I don’t buy it. Can’t even shoot rockets. Sad!

Trump has 0% support play time.

This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.

Armstrong crying seals it. When Armstrong cries you know it’s depressing.

I’ll say it, I liked the storyline better in Brotherhood. What was great about the original was that it took the time to develop the characters and get you invested in them. So when it comes time for Hughes’ breakthrough or Nina’s transformation, there was a much bigger emotional impact.
I’m kind of torn between the

Can this meme just fucking die already. It’s just getting put into everything now to the point it’s expected.

“I scoured everything I could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. I became pretty convinced.”

Meanwhile, I have yet to beat any of the raids.

I actually think the people who complain the loudest about the lack of content are people who don’t actually play Destiny. Those of us who are grinding this week are doing it because we love the game and want to be raid ready ASAP.

You know, it always seemed strange to me that the people that complain the loudest about the lack of content are the ones that desperately try to find any shortcut they can to the end-game. If they were really so damn caught up on content, then maybe just grind the strike playlists or something.

LOL! You are seriouslly a supporter of a guy who wants to kick you and all of your family out of the United States?

You mean guy who came across as a dickhead is an even bigger dickhead than first thought?

You seem like someone I wouldn’t want to talk to.

Thanks for reminding me why I don’t read Penny Arcade.

Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras? Lapras?

This complaint is moronic.

To be fair, sometimes Japanese people order unfamiliar dishes, a bunch of plates and side dishes come (i.e., stuff needs to be mixed in or dipped) and they have to ask for a quick how-to—a "Do I put this in this?" kinda thing.