Anime Girl Amy

What? But getting gullible horny guys online to buy/give me free stuff is great. You don’t even have to have sex with them or be female, just pretend to like them and act super naive. Make them think they’re the ones outsmarting you lol. I don’t see the problem or why people complain. I mean, it’s not illegal.

I understand where you’re coming from (I’d prefer more originality in gaming, too) but realistically it’s easier for projects to find backers for something they find reliable (like a CoD clone since FPS usually sell well, more of a guarantee they’ll get their money back in sales) vs an unpredictable new IP that could

Tomb Raider 2013 had a $100 mil production budget (I recall reading somewhere, I think on a GamerRant list of highest costing games) and Rise was implied to cost a lot (I mean why else make it a limited Xbox exclusive noi a highly controversial decision among fans unless they needed the funding?) So, this isn’t

Fans love the design but hate the fact it costs $15 to get it. I understand it goes to charity but that still feels a bit overpriced.

Yeah, both the 1st and 3rd trailers were underwhelming and disappointing. Which is surprising for the normally awesome RockStar trailers. Hopeful we’ll get some gameplay soon.

“The woman in the gang may in fact be Abigail, John’s future wife.”

I like Lara as introverted but occasionally sassy. It’s more relatable. There aren’t a lot of interesting introverted female protagonists in fiction (or at least that I know of.) They’re usually reduced to an underdeveloped boring side characters like Fuuka in Persona 3 unfortunately.

That’s not the only error in the article but it is a common misconception. Lara isn’t a teenage survivor. She was 21 years old (her new birth year is 1992 according to Wiki) and in college (or finished college) in 2013 TR game.

UC4 Raised the bar of single player narrative adventure games? How? O_o It just recycled the same UC formula (Shoot guys, collect unexplained junk every so often) with too many climbable white ledges, bland writing and bad jokes, plus adding a grappling hook and climbing axe walls (latter two that TR games already

What do you mean? Just no laws protecting journalists? Not up to date on french journalism.

So, assuming we actually are going to get a concrete Cyberpunk 2077 update, I wonder which of the panels footage will play at? Also, hoping/looking forward to some Death Stranding goodness (but that’s would obviously play at Sony’s presentation) and Smash 5 update (confirm if it’s a port of sequel already!!! Please

No fan-art love for the cross-dressing maid outfit?

At least, someone gets it. That it’s just related to bonuses (and thanks for not being another PC Professor comment ranting about toxic masculinity.) The whole crying thing just sounds like a PR stunt meant to make him seem humble.  

Really? Cause 95% of your original comment was just spamming the word “toxic masculinity,” which makes your above response somewhat ironic. XD

Dude, only reason he cares about the review score is because a lot of monetary bonuses at game studios are tied to getting a MetaCritic score higher than 85.

Why was he even worried? O_o PlayStation exclusives (esp flagship franchises) tend to always get 90 or higher on MetaCritic and most bonuses are set at 85 or higher. Not implying the game is bad or good, I haven’t even had the chance to play it yet.

Why was he even worried? O_o PlayStation exclusives (esp flagship franchises) tend to always get 90 or higher on MetaCritic. Not implying the game is bad, I haven’t even had the chance to play it yet.   

Interesting story.

Lol, more proof that EA’s statement that people don’t want linear, story driven games (w/o micro-transactions) is BS.

That’s a shame. The Russian Pop station was the best station in the game imo. Also, when are we getting that GTA4 remake in GTA5's engine, Rockstar? Pretty Please?