
Must be a coincidence because you didn't say 7 people you "knew".

I thought it would be more likely Apple would be telling you what you can and cannot do with a phone than Verizon.

To give the inmates the false impression that it can only see them when its eyes are looking at them.

Agreed, fellow SK resident here.

No worries, thanks.

Thanks. I think my company computer has an American Internet connection so maybe I could set it up that way.

Do you know if Google Music will work in Canada? Amazon's mp3 store isn't available up here so I'm really hoping Google won't gimp it up here.

Pfff this is empowering, if it were 1066 he'd be trying to sell her for 2 cows and a chicken.

Thanks but I live in Canada and my carrier has an extremely poor selection of phones. The best phones I can currently choose from is the Galaxy SII and the iPhone 4. I assume we're going to get the 4S but I'm not sure when.

Now I am happy that it's called an iPhone 4S. This was the last iPhone he will have played an active role in developing so it is fitting that it is called an iPhone 4Steve. My contract is up soon so I guess it will be between that and a Samsung Galaxy SII.

First of 2 iPhones announced hopefully. I had to laugh about about some of the expectations people had for the iPhone 5. A lot of people thought that laser keyboard / hologram display on YouTube was real. Listening to the radio on my way to work today I heard that the iPhone 5 was possibly going to have a 1080p

Very cool, I love hearing when students break records. My uncle was on a team that broke a world record for super mileage and I was on team that set world records in power beaming.

What are you doing right now then?

A coworker posted a picture at work that he took of 5 fox kits playing on the steps of an abandoned old house. So cool.

Why do big cats have cubs and not kittens, and dogs, wolves, otters and seals have pups but foxes have kits? I DON'T GET IT

That's no moon pie....

Chris you should look into learning to make crepes. Crepes are much tastier than pancakes and more versatile than waffles.

Sorry for the late reply, that is awesome! A lot of people knock Saskatchewan but Saskatoon can be an awesome place, definitely recommend checking it out in the summer.


Hi Matt,