
Another person from Saskatchewan, just thought I'd say hi.

Nice kairos.

Gizmodo was ruined a long time ago. There used to be all sorts of articles besides Apple products, newest smartphones and apps of the week. I loved the photoshop challenges (btw what happened to those?). Obviously you can read Gizmodo on your break time and personal time but if you are in a position that you can

I think it is because the hurricane happened during hurricane season. If Irene was a Cat 5 and a volcano, earthquake, meterorite and tsunami also hit New York at the same time then I think you could consider it a warning.

Canada and her RCMP thank you as well.

Oh right I think I did hear that. Is it that females are viable and the males are unviable? I still think zookeepers should focus on more lions and tigers being produced.

Ligers though cool should be illegal. There's not enough of either parent animal in the world to have them breed with each other and breed unviable offspring.

Cheer up, there will always be Polygamy Porter.

Haha thanks but I think we might lose that title.

I am a dude. But my girlfriend enjoys lots of interesting beers. I think her favourite is Kwak.

Would be better if the Other option wasn't so huge.

I think that is a strong beer in Utah. When I was there once the strongest beers I could find were 3.5%....quite disappointing for this Canadian.

You should try McChouffe and LaChouffe. Interesting beers for sure.

What if you could drink it while pregnant?

@minnesotanicer: The first time you buy a beer you can say the good advertisement is what made you choose it, the second time you buy a beer should be based on taste.

@SpammerOvTheGods: Glowing scorpions would definitely make for some big city nights.

Damn, well I hope one of the those Sparks is involved in a Michael Bay career ending car accident. Not death, but career ending.

Oh really, I didn't know that, well that takes some of the anger out of the change. Makes me happy they at least had the nod to original Bumblebee in the first movie.

Yea I figured that Camaro would be doing fine, I was more referring to the Sparks.

If Bay wanted some comic relief in the Transformers movie he should have kept Bumble Bee as a Beetle. Skids and Mudflap were offensive, not funny and made no sense whatsoever to include in the film.