Denim skirts are for E*-girls.
I think this is all very misleading. Corporations can’t legally donate to political campaigns. The people who work for them, can however. So what Judd Legum is identifying as corporations donating to anti-LGBT candidates is really people who work for these corporations donating to these campaigns. I know it feels…
By the same logic, you yourself are a neonazi because you used to write for Vice, a magazine founded by the same guy who founded the Proud Boys.
Agreed. HEB is way cheaper than Kroger’s and Randall’s. I only dip into those two if I’m missing an ingredient, because they’re a little closer to my house. Also, it tickles me that the B in HEB stands for Butt.
Legally speaking, they are a gang. They are five people united in a common purpose of stealing dogs and committing violence to accomplish it.
She reminds me of Wendy McLendon Covey from Reno 911 in this pic.
“This is not to excuse the action, but rather an attempt to figure out why the incident still seems sort of fishy.” This is not to excuse the action, but here’s a whole fucking article doing just that.
This whole article feels kinda victim-blamey to me.
It was physical. She came home with pieces of her hair ripped out.
Everybody is surprised when I tell them that young Michael Stipe was a pretty boy.
He has chemistry with everybody in X-Men: Days of Future Past. There are so many moments where I think, “Oh, he and Michael Fassbender are gonna kiss now, or he and Nicholas Hoult are gonna kiss now, or he and Jennifer Lawrence are gonna kiss now.”
Did she ever try to make amends? I get that she was young and now she’s changed, but she was still spreading hate. Her apology doesn’t undo the damage she did. How has she tried to correct the situation? Has she amplified the voices of the people she offended? Has she made any donation to AAAJ or any other AAPI…
It started out as clowning on the guy who made up some puffed up story about being a tough guy kinda dad. It ended with all of us finding out that he’s a racist. I got no qualms being a howling scold to a piece of shit racist.
Nancy Pelosi is literally playing hardball with the Republicans over a COVID-19 stimulus package.
Are you talking about the $300,000,000 that he’s going to invest in the Community Oriented Policing program that was formed after Obama’s DOJ investigated Ferguson? The same one that Jeff Sessions disbanded?
It’s on Amazon Prime
For some reason, I don’t think Bernie’s guillotine memes are going to appeal to wine moms.
Believe all women, even that one plant that James O’Keefe sent to the Washington to muddy the waters around Roy Moore.
I’m personally around 95% disbelief of the story. There are so many red flags with the story. She has three corroborating witnesses, but one doesn’t want to go on the record and the other, her brother, was pretty much coached to change his story by the editor of Current Affairs. Her neighbor only recently came forward…