
I understand that you wish to point out the faults of others and show facts, but the manner that you go about doing it is exactly the kind that generates anger. While I don’t doubt that you are well informed and seek to spread facts, I do doubt the effectiveness of your method, and your overall Internet-commenting stra

It’s pretty rare to find anyone over 30 who even wants to ride in one, so it’s not a problem. Since my dog is the only one willing to ride in mine, I just removed the passenger seat so she fits better.

if an eel owned a car, how the hell would he work the pedals?

Yeah, I feel like this was definitely a joke lost in translation. It seems like Putin was basically saying, “you are lucky to do something so cool for a living, how can you call it a job?”

Yeah, I’m not a NASCAR fan, but this is pretty cool.

Giant Bomb’s all-day VR livestream is going to some dark places.

I haz a sad.

I’ll let you in a secret. Raphael Orlove and Alissa Walker are both just pen names of Jason Torchinsky. I’m on to you, man.

Gamers: “Wah, game devs don’t take risks”

Came expecting a video of Raph driving in heels.

Now playing

I mean, GUNSHIP is good and all, but if you’re going to go Synthwave, FUTURECOP! is where it’s at:

USS America should’ve painted the pigs with numbers 1, 2, and 4. Leave the Kennedy crew looking for pig 3.

Ah Michèle Mouton, back when men were men and she was kicking all their asses. Top 3 favorite driver.

As the father of triplet girls, this fills be to the fucking brim with white-hot rage. Man, FUCK this troglodyte of an “educator!”

What does a GoDaddy spokesperson have to do with auto racing? :)