
A girl who was seemingly conceived, incubated, hatched, trained, conditioned and indoctrinated to be an object of sexual desire as the sole purpose of her existence and her only contribution to society is saying that she doesn’t get to be objectified enough? Do I have the right read on this one?

After responding to your comment, I looked up some articles, and holy shit, I never realized that most suicide experts were and are overwhelmingly against this show. One apparently told Netflix not to release it at all. In response, Netflix stated they have 4 experts advising on the script. But, we could take that

I’m a cynical person. The only reason this show is being renewed is cash. And I’ll probably watch. But is that a bad thing? Making something for cash? And if it opens the dialogue for suicide, then it’s a win win?

My old (tiny) high school had three students attempt in two weeks. Other students are directly connecting the attempts to this show and even more were sent into tailspins as a result of watching it. Fuck this shit.

“Hannah’s story is still very much not finished”
Also not finished: the stories of the adolescents in emergency departments since this show coming out who have attempted or have planned out their suicide. Their stories aren’t finished, and then they watched this show, and they spiraled. Did they have other stuff going

As a fellow Canadian, I think their fear of Socialism is greater than their desire to save babies’ lives.

IMO it should be so difficult that no one has time to “party” all the time and drink to excess constantly, unless they want to flunk out.

It’s supposed to be education, not a four year party where you bullshit your way into a stupid marketing degree after drinking yourself into an idiotic stupor. I’ve met college “graduates” who could barely read or write much beyond a junior high school level.

Good. Time to stop the moronic trend of hardcore slob binge drinking on college campuses. “College” is not intended to be a place where you go to “learn how to drink”, that’s a TV/movie trope that’s just gone too far. College in this country needs to be far, far tougher...both academically and admissions-wise. Make it

A while back, Richie Sambora was on the Today Show. When I caught sight of his hair and outfit, I thought, “Is he trans, now?”. I don’t know, but he was certainly giving me that impression. Someone in Hollyrock is convincing these aging rockers that this is the new look.

It’s mid-60s female early retiree now helping out at the local library on Wednesday afternoons.

Dude what? You know that hospitals aren’t in charge of names, right? Jesus fucking Christ.

He looks like Beardonna playing Kris Jenner’s eventual Hell’s Angels phase.

I know Leo is a total douche, but y’all, I rewatched Romeo+Juliet for the first time in years the other night, and good lord, he was SO PRETTY. And Claire Danes, the goddess of the 90s. Sigh...

My father always told me, “You can’t make chicken soup out of chicken shit.” Well, dad, I humbly submit to you: the Kardashian sex tape.

As far as anyone can tell, it mainly seems to be because her sister has a huge ass. I know, it’s baffling to me as well.

“And you’ll always be pending approval with your single follower. Keep her chin up! You got to start and finish somewhere. That place is the Greys.”

I don’t know who this moron is. Nor do I really care, what I do care about is his ease to commit misogynoir to a woman, without any second thought. It came that easily to him. He’s is a wifebeater in training with that attitude and it’s fucking scary as shit that he felt the need to express that on twitter. Along with

Yeah, he’s a pretty incredible musician. He just can’t shut his fucking mouth for even one second. If he’d stop talking people could go back to focusing on his guitar playing. He should aspire to be Slash.

That ending was masterful and poignant and conveyed so much with zero dialogue. When the women left the men behind and stopped allowing the men to dictate how they should feel, all the competitive nastiness evaporated and they realized they were all on the same side.