
As much as I love LMM, please no rapping. Let’s keep this era-appropriate.

I’m afraid i’m one of the lyrically dyslectic/illiterate.

I was perusing The Knot today and they recommended Danzig’s “Mother” as a great mother/son dance, as well as “Mother” by Pink Floyd. It’s as if they just typed the word mother into Spotify without actually listening to them.

Sting has said similar things about “Every Breath You Take.”

And the people who dedicate Pearl Jam’s cover of Last Kiss to their sweetie on the radio. The girl dies. That’s the point.

I’m convinced that a large percentage of the population has poor listening comprehension.

did anyone catch that part that started in the middle of the credits? it was from Adam’s movie and it seemed to be showing how Hannah and Adam met...

American Bitch is definitely the #1 girls episode in my book. I actually enjoyed Hannah’s monologue and didn’t want to punch her at the end of it like i usually do. Desperado at the end was fucking baller

OOOOOH I’m v into this. The show could use some dark shit. aside from the “RIP” comment, what other foreshadowings did you see???

When he’s in the shower and they’re talking about her UTI and he says something along the lines of “Law and Order : UTI - GONG GONG” i fucking lost it. he’s hands down my favorite narcissist.

You guys want to hear something CRAZY? Two days after the episode where Hannah finds out she’s pregnant and we were all like “WHAT! Shocker!” I, also a 27 year old, and despite having an IUD perfectly in place, found out I was pregnant - 6 weeks along. I’m also keeping the baby, although I’m in a decidedly better

I think this whole thing is incredibly realistic, it just isn’t what you would expect (in real life, that is). People are saying “she is so unprepared, not financially stable, how could she want a baby?” In my experience, these tend to be the type of people that choose to have the kid. Because, why not? They don’t

Am I the only one who thinks it’s really obvious why Hannah is keeping her baby? It’s not because Hannah would make that choice for herself. Lena is doing it to troll the people who hate her, to show them that being pro-choice is also about making a decision to keep your child. I think she’s showing people that you

I have to say the Panic in Central Park is the best episode of the show for me, and I absolutely love it. So well done with the acting, costumes (the ridiculous red jumpsuit), music, Charlie appearance. I love that he came back to give closure to that character. I just love re-watching that episode from time to time

I’d just like to take the time to say that this season of Girls is really on fire. This season seems to be hitting the right notes in the way the last few seasons haven’t. Although I thought a few of the episodes last season were great (The episode dealing with Charlie’s addiction, and the last two episodes), it’s

the first four words were “sorry to spoil it”. you could have stopped reading.

adam and hannah are totally end game which is...........lame

That sounds like something from the Mindy Project.

Hannah walks down the street and runs into Abbi and Illana, they are all on their way to a Tina and Amy rally to take a public shit on Trump Tower. Tina, Amy, Abbi, Illana and Hannah high shit on Trump Tower. The Tower turns to dust. The women high five.

Sorry to spoil it, but there were paparazzi pictures from the set when they were filming a while back and Lena Dunham was walking around with a very large fake stomach on, so I think it’s safe to say that the plan is for Hannah to have her baby (or it was an elaborate dream/fantasy sequence).