
She posted a picture of it on her Instagram and I dunno y'all, maybe my heart is melting in my old age because even though drake IS the most extra person on the whole entire planet, I still thought it was freaking adorable. I showed all my roomies and they thought so too.

I heard that she over-responded to the fertility meds and the doctors told her they wouldn’t do the IUI and to abstain from sex until the next cycle and she didn’t. I always found it funny that she acted like sextuplets was a normal complication of fertility treatments and not a failure.

So Kate stole his sperm to force him to have more kids? Is Jon Gosselin not an adult who can say no? Lmao, you’re going hard on JEZEBEL DOT COM for JON GOSSELIN but yes, I’m embarrasing myself.

Yes, if we watched the footage edited to construct a narrative, we see the narrative that was emphasized by the editing!

LOL, he had to go back to blue collar work because THE REALITY SHOW HE PITCHED STARRING HIMSELF DIDN’T SELL and he blew all his money buying himself expensive toys and vacations and trying to hang with D-list celebrities. He had the Hollywood bug every bit as bad as she did, he just fucked off and didn’t bother to

My perspective is that were/are both awful, but Kate did the majority of the heavy lifting in the caretaking dept. Jon always needed to be prodded to do the basics.

Right?!? The egg, avocado and almonds add (good, healthy) fat, but 99g? If it came with a whole egg, whole avocado and an entire cup of almonds that would still only be 70g. How much dressing is that swimming in? And what is it made out of?

Yes, he is so awful. He has been making random comments about the health of various people for years without any evidence. And he had the nerve to criticize celebrities who want fame, yet Dr. Drew has always been desperate to be as famous as the people he would attack.

Why are we still pretending to listen to this man? Isn’t he essentially what Dr. Phil is to psychology and Dr. Oz is to GP? Like, sure, at one point they were real people who did real things to help people, but now they’re just cheap hacks desperate to turn as many tricks as possible to make that sweet, sweet

I liked Dr. Drew so much in the 90s, based mostly on listening to Loveline late at night driving to and from college. I have been more and more appalled at him ever since. Beyond promoting conspiracy theories, he’s been peddling the worst kind of junk pop medicine for years. He’s dangerous in much the same way as Dr.

The fact that the show is still on and she jumps at every opportunity to be on ANY TV show says alot about her IMHO.

They are both terrible. I just remember what my friend said when it first came out “They knew who they married. Those behaviors didn’t start with the 8 kids”. He was always lazy and she was always controlling, but the cameras and publicity were the nail in that coffin.

Her behavior was often inexcusable, I’ll give you that. At the same time, all of us say and do things that are inexcusable, and I really can’t imagine the stress of having eight small children AND a husband who often seemed disengaged and clueless.

She’s obviously awful, but those kids are also old enough to make up their own minds about what he is like and they have no desire to see him. Again, they said maybe he should stop talking to the tv people and he went right to the tv people. Also, he hasn’t seen one of his kids in years. Years.

If you’ve ever watched their show it is easy to see that Kate literally pushed him out of their lives and had henpecked him since Day One. You honestly think someone who bad mouths him in public doesn’t do the same with her kids?! She is a vile parent that literally whores out her kids to keep that money train

It’s disgusting he got away with grooming her and made Mia look like the jealous scorned wife and not a horrified mother that found naked photos of her teen taken by her father.

I have no idea. Incest is incest is incest. Whether someone is a blood relative of yours isn’t anything like the most important part of it. I still would like to go and see an occasional Woody Allen movie, but I never do because I cannot. give. this. man. my. money.

Just days after donating $1 million to flood victims in Louisiana, the singer has donated $50,000 “to the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank.”

The man straight up and down married his adopted daughter. Like how is there even a debate about this?

I have no interest in that whole situation. I get harassed all the time on it. But it doesn’t affect me and I just have no interest in it.