
How did this happen to Leslie Jones?

“Allegedly, she is a fan of George Orwell and Ayn Rand … most unusual.”

Start with Novacaine (from the first album) and hmmm, maybe Forrest Gump or Thinking Bout You from Channel Orange (could only find live versions of both of these on youtube, but I think both of them are nice, if slowed down/subdued a bit compared to the album versions.)

LOL this mother fucker!!!!

this is their 2013 christmas card:

The entire family looks ridiculous. They have to know that, right? It’s a joke?

I’m sorry.

Having respect for transgender people and also believing Kaitlin Jenner may be a phony are not mutually exclusive points of view.

Because I could not stop for Finals, they finally stopped for me.

“I’m so glad we can go beyond soundbites”.

You support Hillary Clinton, you support her Middle East policies. You don’t get to pick and choose the parts you like.

Politics will be politics, and garbage politicians say stupid shit they don’t believe all the time in order to appeal to large swaths of, let’s face it, fucking morons. But, some things have to remain sacred. There is no finer example than hiding behind the bullshit axiom of, “I’m just asking questions.” No you are

Meanwhile, Jezebel-approved candidate Hillary Clinton is responsible for this:

I am certainly not hostile to science. I’m not anti-science.