
Can we agree that it’s unlikely Hillary Clinton would have been a Senator or Secretary of State if she wasn’t married to Bill?

They are rather spectacular breasts, it must be said. But still, show a little restraint man.

Yeah and Perry doesn’t seem that happy about it in ANY of the photos. She looks... disgruntled.

Well if Orlando Bloom insists on going around naked, I for one am willing to bear the burden of looking at him.

What a fucking idiot. You chose this life, just walk past the cameras, smile and get in the fucking car like a normal human. Some celebrities are just asses.

I, for one, love the Tay hating. She's obnoxious and needs to go away.

Is this you, you handsome devil?

Guess who has to be these two. He likes it when she calls him Adele Dazeem.

And, is that most hated list a ranking? Are they saying that Taylor Swift, Hollywood’s Heather Chandler, is a more loathsome person than a serial rapist?

TBF Kylie literally IS immature, as in she has yet to mature, and is a teenager.

(Fucking thank you. That’s what I’m saying.) But apparently I’m an idiot for alluding that it’s plastic surgery. I’m not stupid; I know bodies really change after puberty but the entire shape of her figure did a complete 180. It’s not like “oh hey, I used to be flat chested and had a cute little small ass and now I

My son had a brief stay in a juvenile facility that was more than just “detention”. They learned etiquette and art appreciation. They learned basic life skills - laundry, cooking, budgeting and so forth. He learned to sew with his great grandma. He learned to cook at home from me. He is expected to cook and to clean

The family is strangely slut shamey when it comes to certain people yet sex positive when it comes to themselves but you can’t have it both ways, you know? Khloe likes to talk a lot about haters and how she keeps getting richer, etc which ok? lol they are constantly pulling from black culture and currently abusing the

There are a bunch of Italians from Jersey who are nothing like these people. I feel a duty to point it out. #notallitaliansfromjersey

While Joe has bankrolled the entire venture (much as he bankrolled Melissa’s short-lived singing career), he is not happy that Envy keeps Melissa away from home.

I can’t believe these people are successful in any way.

That was a VERY appropriate response.

The Old Bear made a mistake one time- he told my mother that what she had made that day was not “as good as moms”. She smiled, took his plate and gave it to the dog and told him that if he wanted further meals, he had better get to drivin’ since his mother lived 5 hours away. As for her and the girls, there would be

Joe needs to embrace his love of crossdressing so he can stop overcompensating. It’s not a big deal, it doesn’t call his sexuality into question, he doesn’t need to feel bad about it. Raising his kids to think the shit he spews is normal, treating his wife like she’s a servant and a sex slave and then turning around