

ESPECIALLY her famewhore father that milked her daughter’s fame till the very end to advance his own pursuit for recognition. That man is the lowest of the low.

That film broke my heart. Amy’s addiction and eating disorder were dangerous all on their own. The addition of codependence and exploitation seemed to have made it impossible for her to ever get well. She never really had a chance.

Like her father who showed up with a whole film crew on Santa Lucia, when she was finally more happy and healthy (though still drinking) - still gives me the chills.

That’s great news - and something Amy herself would’ve benefitted from. After seeing Asif Kapadia’s documentary on her and having a glimpse of how many enablers and hangers-on ignored or even encouraged her addiction it might’ve saved her to just shut that shit out and be able to recover.

I won’t do a guy with a pierced penis, that’s just gross.

From the looks of that photo she is pumped about stealing a bunch of dalmatians, tho.

It’s so nouveau it’s kind of gross. Kris and Caitlin Jenner are pretty awful women and I don’t see it for either one. I cannot wait for the day society comes around to my POV.

you’d be shocked to see just how little of what they have, they own. a great of what you see them on, in and with is provided to them for free, for exposure of the brand/company.

There is no better signal to the world that you are total asshole than wearing fur.

Except I’ve read the Bible (back when I was Christian, I’m not now), and Jesus doesn’t say anything about gender roles or who should do what in the home. Leave Christ out of your sexism.

If you’re the real person, you should reread John 8:7 and Matthew 7, and don’t try mixing me up with Mathew 7:15, I was forced to memorize this shit by lunatics like you. If you hypocrites focused as much on the parts of the bible that encourage you to love your neighbor, you’d probably do a much better job

I get the distinct impression you don’t actually believe in God. If you did you would probably be fully aware that He is a big boy and if He has a problem with a woman on a home improvement TV show He can certainly deal with it in the afterlife without any help from you.

It’s wild to me that you think you know someone after viewing them through the lens of a home restoration show on HGTV. You view it as a microcosm of the Gains’ life, but did you know that those episodes are not shot in a single day? That they likely have made lifestyle choices and participate in things that are not

That sounds judgemental to me. And unless you live with them 24/7 and see how she spends every waking moment, you can’t say whether she’s doing a good job being a parent or not- it’s not your place to. At a time when Christians should really be building each other up and supporting each other, not writing blog posts

Bless your heart. I hope Jesus is willing to forgive your cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.

Serious question. Why do you care? I mean why judge someone because of their career choices (which has the possibility to greatly enrich her childrens lives).

So ignore them and let God judge the Gainses in the afterlife.

Tell us a very small amount of information about your life so we can sit here and judge it for not being Christian-ly enough.

LOL. Where the fuck is your christlike compassion, lady? I’m pretty sure jesus didn’t advocate for sanctimonious busybodies to spend their time nitpicking at other people’s personal lives.