
I’m not even a damn “Millennial” but I am so unbelievably tired of seeing them get shit on and called lazy and entitled. My sister (who is in that age group) had to put out literally hundreds of resumes to get a new job that pays only slightly more than the one she held previously but at least gets her some frigging

Martha can suck my millennial dick.

Carole annoys me to no end this season. I had compassion for her with the whole "I'm a widow" thing and I even sat thru the boring trip she and Dorinda took to LDN but this season, she's just the wurst. I don't see it for her. I'm so looking forward to grabbing some weed this week and binging on NJ and OC (I missed

He looked like his mom. His sister looks like a Kennedy though.

People who actually knew him didn’t call him “John John”- Princess Carole


Spike or not, the I Am.... docs are really good. The Steve McQueen one was brilliant and the Chris Farley one really humanized him, if that makes sence. I’m pissed cause Spike just up and became a premium channel I guess. Watch this one, I bet it will be fantastic.

This hits too close to home. Hi!

you didn’t live in new york in the 90s if you didn’t run into JFK jr and accidentally make eye contact and convince yourself he was actually checking you out.

I loved John-John and was crushed when he died. He still remains my ultimate dream man to this day. I heard tales of his days at the DA’s office in Manhattan. He was so nice and friendly, “good” as described. But when he would come back to work after a lunch time run, no work would be done because everyone was in awe

I believe it. He was just lucky enough to inherit the Bouvier genes. He’s the “spittin’ image” of Jackie.

What happened Sonja?

This image was too powerful. My friend was an idiot but your grandmother probably pictured this boy.

Same, and John-John was my first real celebrity crush. He was so hot, so down to earth, so elegant. And OMG the wedding pic with Carolyn? That was like seared on my brain as the very picture of true love.

My grandmother (Irish Catholic) took to her bed and wailed for 2 days straight when John-John died. We shared a bedroom at the time (I was like 15) so it was a real treat. That first day, when it hadn’t been confirmed that he was dead yet, was the worst. In between sobs she would just randomly yell things out,“THEY’RE

So beautiful, that man.
And I have a hard time believing he was a biological Kennedy.

Is Spike going to be doing a series of “I Am ...” documentaries about gone-to-soon dudes? They just had “I Am Chris Farley” on the other day.

This brings back a memory. It was 1999, I was 24? I was on Nantucket, I was very young. The girl sitting next to me was so drunk she was crying. She kept saying “But he was so hot.”

Superficial reaction to this trailer warning: Damn he is fine.

“Everybody expects me to be a great man. I wonder if it wouldn’t be a more interesting challenge to make myself a good man.”ALL THE FEELS.