
Hey, those cops are putting their lives on the line to protect their communities! They shouldn’t have to put up with reasonable demands to respect black people!

The shirt even had the Dallas PD emblem in support of them and the players talked about how good the Dallas PD was, and those four assholes were still so emotionally traumatized they walked off and made snarky comments later?

Honestly, for some folks renting is much more economical - no taxes, no repair bills, no closing costs, homeowner’s insurance, PMI etc. Ask an accountant - a house on which you are paying a mortgage is no more an asset than a house you rent - it’s a liability - it doesn’t become an asset til the day you sell it, and

that’s 5k short of my salary...

How about filed to ADDICTION instead of DIRT BAG? Seems a little more appropriate.

Martha sounds like she is starting the first Hunger Games competition. "One will die, the other will choose the next fine china dining pattern"

Well, the last straw was dropped last month after family members found a crack pipe on the property, and it turned out Lamar hadn’t even called the show’s producers in time to film this new plot-line.

I really thought his performance in Silver Linings Playbook was fantastic. And I enjoyed Limitless. But can’t think of any others that I loved. Although I heard he was great as Elephant Man on Broadway.

I'm of the theory that she is a beautiful virgin, possibly asexual.

I once watched my husband point out why a rape joke wasn’t funny both to people who were survivors of rape (which he knew I was but the people telling it didn’t) and for all the men at the table who he was hoping weren’t just waiting to rape women. It harms everyone. His point led to the guys apologizing. The sad part

The “unstoppable erection” myth needs to die, like yesterday.

Isn’t Bradley Cooper perceived to be a major douchebag?

I feel the same way. She’s like a doll.

A hot beard is still a beard.

Oh Lawd the movie crying. I think I cried more at “Philidelphia” than I have cried in my life.

That’s why I think it’s real. He can’t be faking this shit.

That is a classic “Is she really about to cry in public? Oh shit, what do I do?” pose.

Tom Hiddleston would just like to talk about his work, thank you very much.

You think those two have actually consummated their fake relationship?

Hair are not teeth, they will grow back.