

Bingo. In college I used to get so drunk I had total blackouts, could barely walk, often all this happened before even leaving my apartment to go party for the night. You know what I NEVER did? Get in my car and drive somewhere. Drunk people still have brains.

You sound like the kind of guy I'd like to buy a drink. Thanks for being a reasonable human being! (And hope your bruises heal fast - I rolled my ankle after a few too many six fucking weeks ago and my foot is still sprained.)

One reason we get so annoyed about this is because we can follow all these dumb rules and still get raped. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped drunk. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped sober. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by strangers. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by friends. People want to set up all these

It’s like saying that all guys have a rape switch so we have to take care not to activate it. WTF?

Obviously getting helplessly drunk is unsafe for anyone, though often understandable - many people, especially young newer drinkers, do not know their own tolerances. But yes, it’s dangerous, including in and of itself.

She goes on to add that if women want to be taken seriously in our quest for equality, we really should stop yawping “rape” every time we regret a lighthearted sexual caper.

I got blackout drunk last weekend. Here are some things I apparently did in that state:

I am a male bartender and I believe that it is good advice for all people to not get so drunk that you are no longer in control of yourself and what might happen to you. I recognize my male privilege that I can more easily get wasted and toddle back to my sketchy neighborhood. But even so, I can be assaulted, mugged

Exactly, its their JOB to be objective and impartial.
Being ruled by presented facts, not by personal opinion.
Especially when that opinion is in a specialized field you are most definitely NOT trained in.

I have been a big musical theater nerd before, but as a grown person with a variety of hobbies and interests, this sort of fandom over a play is genuinely baffling and obnoxious to me. I have heard the songs, I know how cool Lin is and I know how important it is to continue popularizing the arts for the youth, but jesu

Yeah. Didn’t he post something a few weeks ago that basically said “please don’t chase my car”?

I think he might've been joking?

Not to take away from L-MM’s success, but multiply this by 1000x in 1964. When the Beatles came to America and you'd have an idea of what their lives were like.

If what happened to Philando Castile happened to a white gun owner (yes, I know, huge leap of imagination necessary to picture that), the NRA would be protesting 24/7 at the police station, the governor’s office, and the home of the police officer involved.

Didn’t you know that Jesus rode dinosaurs?

I will wash my hands of anyone who uses violence against others to make a point - ANY point. And I am a pretty angry woman who can use violent language, and I commit to trying to tone that shit down too. If I can still get verbally “stabby” from time to time.

I agree. This is so *stupid*.

I can’t stop checking for updates on this story. It’s utterly insane. It feels like this country is losing its collective mind. And the worst part is, it only feels like things are going to get even crazier. I have a sick feeling that this madness will continue for a long time. I hope I'm wrong.