
This is one of the best comments I’ve ever read here, and that’s saying a lot.

Personally, I would just straight up call him out on it. Wouldn’t you prefer to just be able to be real with him? Tell him you didn’t like it. My ex used to think it was ok to say “nigga” when he was angry and talking about another guy and I always shut it down immediately by letting him know that its not cool and as

Love that whole album! I think it’s brilliant that she collaborated with Tony Bennett. I don’t think Gaga gets enough credit for her ability or her versatility. She is so damn talented.

I think she’s a really emotional performer. I used to write Gaga off because of all the costumes and gimmicky crap in the beginning of her career, but then I saw some videos of her live performances and instantly became a fan. She’s not only extremely talented, but also an excellent performer.

I get that people compare Madonna and Gaga because Gaga has released songs that seem to have been “inspired” to say the least by Madonna’s music. However, constantly comparing the two is unfair to them both. Do people compare male pop stars constantly? Because this is a trend when it comes to female celebrities.

I don’t understand why people like you find it necessary to be so snarky. Get a hobby.

It is hideously ugly that these two are fighting over this. Who gets the profits? We don’t have to have known her to know that this most likely something Brittany wouldn’t have wanted.

I still don’t see why he needs to be remembered at all, point blank, period. This is my issue with what southerners refer to as their “culture.” They do shit like this and it is undeniably a poorly hidden celebration of something that the majority of them believe wasn’t wrong. I’m from the north east, but I’ve been to

I wish I didn’t see that. I often wish that we did let the south secede because I don’t want anything to do with about 95% of the SEEDY underbelly that they consider to be their culture. That shit does NOT belong in our America. Only in the south would the scum who murdered an innocent young black boy for whistling at

I know what you mean. There is so much stuff, on the Internet especially, that is tough to look at, but that photo of Emmett in his casket is without question the worst of them all. That is gut wrenching in every sense of the word, and even that doesn’t feel strong enough. I remember explaining his story to friends

I do not understand how anyone can learn Emmett’s story, see the pictures of his body in that casket, and not only not be brought to tears but still find hate in their heart or be so inhuman as to try to desecrate his memory. This is genuinely one of the saddest, most disheartening things I’ve read in a long time.

I don’t understand how or why people randomly decide on a single person to hate, and it just becomes the move as hive-minded others hop on and join them. I can see deciding not to see someone’s movies, being uninterested in their personal life, but just straight up deciding to hate someone is stupid.

The Jonas brothers are fucking exhausting. They try so hard to be in on the jokes about themselves. And they constantly talk about their dicks and sex and that makes them more lame than purity rings ever could.

I guess this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to sit through political bullshit right now. I’ve had people older than me (I’m 30) tell me that this election is no different than any other but I beg to differ. It is EXHAUSTING. Maybe they would’ve reacted differently if we weren’t at

Tears were shed. I blame the upcoming full moon.

And there’s the fact that the whole thing is hypocritical. Don’t get me wrong, fuck Billy Bush and Donald Trump, but NBC has been called out for being incredibly misogynistic behind the scenes for years now. Now they want to point fingers, place blame, and throw people under the bus to save face. They promote this

Now playing

Al Roker is my MVP. He doesn’t bite his tongue and he’s the guy who called Matt Lauer out for throwing Ann Curry under the bus right to his face and on national TV. Fuck the Today Show.

NBC needs to stop with the fucking hypocrisy. Remember what they did to Ann Curry? I recently read some of the details of her firing and if half the people who watch that show knew, I think they would never tune in again. Apparently she called the producers out on the boys club bullshit they had going, so the last few

Alex Trebek is a huge asshole. I pretty much live like I’m 90 and love Jeopardy! and my friends and fam are always remarking about what a prick he is to contestants when we watch. He is pompous and arrogant. He seems to think those cue cards make him a genius. I love when there is a really obscure question and someone

Same. I agree, and it’s actually made me go from being indifferent and at times hostile toward her superficiality to totally a fan of Kim’s. The vitriol that was hurled at her when she was robbed was nothing short of disturbing. The only real reason that I can see people feeling hostile toward her or her family is the