
Courtney appears to be legitimately obsessed with Marilyn Monroe and had work done to look like her. Her Instagram account is loaded with pictures of Marilyn and pictures of herself comparing herself to pictures of Marilyn. With the right Instagram filter and 15 coats of Vaseline over her camera lens, she actually

Eh, gonna have to beg to differ on this one. Having a dad who is a serial cheater must’ve put Chelsea in one hell of an awkward position and made her witness to some really ugly fights between her parents. All dads are flawed and none of them are perfect, but I’m sure that having his infidelities all over the news, in

Right?! They both have amazing style. I love how as they’ve gotten older more and more of their personalities come through in their outfit choices. Sasha’s style is awesome.

I don’t even understand how the republican party can survive this. Once Donald loses, they’re going to be forced to look at themselves and really consider how badly fucked up they are that out of all of them, Trump was the most popular with voters. Their unwillingness to evolve and change and join this century is

I have to admit, I respected him for not endorsing Trump also. It was the ONLY noble thing he had done and it actually set him apart from all of the other assholes who don’t give a shit about Americans and toe the party line to keep their own careers going no matter what it means for us, the people they’re supposed to

This puzzles me as well, but I can only assume that Donald doesn’t know how to curse and used the term “bitch” when he meant more like “a motherfucker.” As in, “I moved on her like a motherfucker” meaning he went at her full throttle. But who the fuck knows. He’s so stupid.

What’s with all of these stupid politicians and others stating things like, “as a husband and father of daughters, I am outraged”??

Which is also fucking sexist. Hillary is running for president, not her husband. Her choice to stay married to him is their business alone and his behavior is not a reflection of her. I love how we’ve had presidents who treated the White House like a brothel and they get a pass but Hillary Clinton gets dragged through

Yeah, I’ve seen Billy Bush on Access Hollywood because my mom and I watch it occasionally with our elderly aunt who adores celeb gossip, and he is exactly the person he sounds like on this tape. Whenever they have male guests, especially young ones, he turns into a complete frat boy so his defense that it was 11 years

This is my feeling as well. I don’t think anyone who has decided to vote for Trump will be swayed by anything. I think that people know concretely who they are going to vote for at this point and nothing that happens from now until November 8th is going to change their minds.

No lies detected. Your comment is perfect. I’m so over the amount of horrible people who think it’s OK to say the most fucked up evil shit about Kim Kardashian all because the Internet is anonymous and they apparently have terrible souls. “Oh please! Get over it! It was just a little robbery! She wasn’t even hurt!” My

I’m not even kidding, I’m putting a baseball bat in my car. I don’t give a fuck if someone is playing around. If a clown comes at me, I am going to swing at their fucking head. This shit needs to stop.

She is SUCH a tedious fucking asshole. Her preachy bullshit and need to judge everyone is so exhausting. She isn’t talented or famous enough to be this big of an asshole. Remember when she tried to drag Taylor Swift for giving money to Kesha that Kesha desperately needed after she was broke from fighting Dr. Luke? She

Isn’t that like comparing apples to oranges though? I mean she has the perfect voice for jazz, so if you only like music like what she put out on “The Fame Monster,” you aren’t going to like the shit she did with Tony Bennet, but that doesn’t mean that she sucks.

OMG I didn’t know it already premiered! I’m so excited about this

I just watched a bunch of videos of clown encounters yesterday. 95% of them were obviously bullshit... like two dudes pulling up to a corn field and one of them getting out and running into the field and then running back to the car and they speed off. There was another one who was basically playing peekaboo behind a

“I was mugged at knifepoint in 1996 and the dude only took my wallet and my watch, but I’ve never forgotten the terror I felt.”

There’s all kinds of bullshit information out there as hateful losers make things up as they go along and it spreads as if it’s truth on Twitter. There were rumors that no police report was filed which is obviously bullshit. There were also rumors that cameras for her show were rolling during the whole thing, and of

I know that there was autotune on the mic or however that works, but you could hear that he was shook by his voice. I still can’t say enough how much I wouldn’t wish what she endured on a soul. I’m pretty sure what she experienced is one of 99% of the population’s biggest fears. It makes me even sadder for her to

I am so sorry that this happened to you! <3 It really does upset me that so many people are so quick to write this off. I think it stems from not being able to relate to the situation themselves. It’s the kind of shit that they think only happens in movies, so when it happens to someone, especially someone they don’t