
I agree with you that she was horrible. Back when their show first came out, I remember being so horrified about how badly she treated him. He was emasculated constantly. I’m not defending him, but I believe that his bruised ego after being criticized for being a “pussy” and seeing how she ripped him apart constantly

This is by no means a defense, but that whole family is fucked up. Solve your fucking problems out of the public eye/without media involvement. Their daughters are still kids, and their mother should prevent them from talking to the media about their issues with their father. I’m not blaming the kids, but I do believe

Just like Dr. Oz, Drew Pinsky sold his soul for fame. They both went from actual credible people to complete famewhores peddling pseudoscience for their stupid TV shows.

Perfectly put. Hasn’t pretty much everyone who has ever been on Dr Drew’s rehab shows either ODed and died or relapsed? He is not only a disgrace with his pseudoscience bullshit, but he also has shamelessly used addicts and exploited them at their weakest for a shit reality TV show on VH1.

I like Britney, but I’ve never been a fan of her music. However, I foresee many of my workouts being sponsored by this album.

Most of what I remember about this little guy is that he acts like he’s practically still breastfed by his mother. I’m not being overly dramatic.

posted in the wrong place because I’m dumb.

People need to chill. Bette is literally just saying what so many other people are as well, which is that Caitlyn Jenner is a phony and a total whore for publicity. Her transgenderism is besides the point and contrary to some opinions the fact that she is trans does not make her a saint. Get over it.

The songs other commenters have recommended are excellent. “Lost” and “Pyramid” are both great as well. Pyramid is like 2 songs in one.

That’s pretty sad. Even if someone poured Capote’s ashes out in New York City somewhere, it would be a lot nicer than auctioning them off for profit.

My opinion on religion is ultimately that I don’t care a bit what other people do or who they worship as long as they aren’t actively shoving it down other people’s throats/hurting anyone. But after skimming the blog post that you linked, all that came to my mind was the crazy lady who plays the organ in Edward

And acrylic nails.

I thought Jacqueline was very likable in the early seasons and her fertility struggles were really heartbreaking to watch because it was palpable how much she wanted another baby. That changes, though. She’s a conniver. She has had problems with pretty much every person in her life, whether it’s friend, her husband’s

Jacqueline hates herself, which is why she’s constantly getting shit done to her face and body. People who don’t even like themselves can’t have healthy relationships with others. Jacqueline is the kind of “friend” who wants to know every detail in your life so she can go talk a ton of shit about you to other people

“And it looks someone got their official Kardashian Ass Implants for their birthday!”

I don’t really get the obsession Americans have with the royal family. We fought a war to get away from them. Why does any American really give a shit?

I’ve been single for 4 years because my last relationship was a toxic, verbally abusive mess and I’m currently just focused on school, but I share your sentiment that the age of social media saturation is completely exhausting. Your comment is so spot on. Everyone has a chip on their shoulder trying to show that they

Wow, seems like a really healthy relationship. I still hold out hope that Rob will be the one Kardashian to disassociate from the Koven and actually make it on his own. This will likely never happen.

Every storyline: someone else is suing Tyga for unpaid bills, Tyga flashes around money that no one can really explain why or how he even has, Kylie takes endless selfies or videos herself lip syncing along to music, Tyga presents Kylie with gifts that she paid for while she squeals “Oh my god! Guys! What is this?!”,

Good point. I forgot those two are best friends. Makes sense.