
There seems to be a need for this kind of fakery now. One of my friends recently broke up with her boyfriend of 9 years after he totally mistreated her and cheated on her throughout the entire duration of the relationship, and she went from being radio silent about her private life while with him to jumping into a

“I don’t get it. Who has time for all these mind games?”

Selena Gomez needs to grow up. Their relationship ended a while ago, and they should both have moved on by now. She obviously was feeling slighted and found it necessary to leave a comment trying to start a problem. Justin Beiber is a 22-year-old man in a relationship with a 17-year-old girl. Selena Gomez should be

Gotta love how our country treats its heroes. Four years ago she was the golden girl, now so many people want to tear her down. What’s sad is that a lot of the critics were other black women. I read comments on Twitter with black women tearing her apart over her hair, and in general, people were trying to pin that

Thanks! Unfortunately I can’t edit that post now.

She’s the first Black woman to win a gold medal in an individual swimming event. Black women have women Olympic gold in other events before. This is particularly important though, seeing as how swimming was once segregated in our nation. I mean there was a time that pools would be drained because a black person’s body

“it was only a couple of years ago that an italian coach, in trying to downplay the racist remarks of one of his gymnasts about the blackness of the winners, went on to put his foot in his mouth by bringing up how blacks cannot swim because they have no buoyancy.”

Your entire comment is so spot on. This really does prove that. It really is disgusting that they reduced her to her ethnicity when she accomplished something so incredible.

This was incredibly moving. I love that our society is beginning to really give this a chance. The notion that human beings have to suffer inhumanely is terrible and really just ultimately ridiculous. We put our animals out of their misery, why would we not want to do the same for human beings?

Nope, sorry. There is no excuse for referring to anyone like that. They would never write “Simone Bailes wins gold; Jew takes silver”

Was it even a feud? I thought it was just Julia going to the umpteenth degree to torture that woman that she stole her man?

Spinster, though? What is this? 1920?

I’ve found that a lot of people who have baby faces tend to age poorly. Leo looks like Orson Welles, another man who had a baby face and one day looked like as another so perfectly put it, “a middle aged, weather beaten toddler.” Leo has kind of begun to gross me out for two reasons: he always looks like he has

I think Leo looks like Orson Welles now.

And I don’t care. If they put their sloppy lives out there, they open the door to judgment. One of the golden rules in life is that if you don’t want people talking shit, keep your business private.

Thank you! I was actually hoping he would get arrested because he needs a wake up call. It’s amazing to me that he has this many outstanding debts and continues to collect more as he goes along.

This could be true, but it could also be that she says they’re supportive because they basically let their kids do whatever the hell they want because they don’t care and they’re too wrapped up in their own lives to bother. No one is saying “no Kylie, you can’t or shouldn’t do that” so maybe in their minds this

I actually read today that this is being thrown around, but again, the question is “did he even really buy it?” I know that the wheels of justice move at a glacial pace, but a lot of these cases have been pending for quite some time now. Tyga’s $360k repo bill has been around since at least last year, and there was

Totally agree. Everyone praises Kris Jenner’s “business savvy” but disregards that she was/is a straight up shitty mom. I can’t say this without sounding like I’m being judgey as hell, but Kim is not even 40 and she’s on her THIRD marriage. In what alternate universe is that just a day in the life? A 72 day marriage,

All You’ve Done Is Sit On Some Ugly Rocks With an Englishman”