Ani DiFrank Ocean

that would require him to last until the season premiere which is still six weeks away

The Straw Dogs mentioned in the above article is the original 1971 version. Pretty sure they didn’t surprise rape scene Kate Bosworth in the 2011 version.

That’s a woman. A woman with boobs. A woman with a woman’s stomach.

A guy with boobs? Cuz the person on top there has boobs.

I’m very curious as to what you define as “clean.” Visibly clean? Free of germs? Free of dirt?

Yep! My raises helped me pay for a vacation property and other vacations throughout the year. I’ll take a bunch of long weekends, week longs and two week long vacations over three months and no money.

You voted for Long Summer Vacations over Getting a Raise decisively, with 64 percent over 36 percent.

The Page Six story suggests you might be in the majority.

I know it’s puppy day but some of us have both. John & his cats

The Art of the Deely

There’s a server underground where stories of bad tipping celebrities are exchanged. For real.

Here on in, what percentage of her meals will have spit in them?

No lie, that sounds like Donald Trump tweeting from Deeley’s account.

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this person.

You forgot:

They are also tattoo friendly. I am that demo and when they are cut correctly, hide the flabby arm bits and bra strap but show the tattoo? Winner!

I sew a lot of my own clothes and I will say that there are A LOT of these cold shoulder patterns out there at the major pattern companies. It must be a thing that 40+ women like. I always look at those patterns and think, “Well, that would be a decent shirt except that it doesn’t have any shoulders. Why doesn’t it

You know, I’m not even in show business and even I would have just said, “wait a minute, this is the envelope for best actress. Okay, we get it Emma, you’re great. Can we get the correct envelope up here?” You’d think these people had never been in front of an audience before.

Seems like we should be blaming Phyllis Posnick, the editor, not Karlie. Posnick isn’t actually known for coloring in the lines.

Maybe she is not so smart. I mean, it’s possible. She’s not exactly paid to think things over.