I’ve noticed a lot of the negative hot takes from people just absolutely do not acknowledge that Taika is jewish, interesting that.
I’ve noticed a lot of the negative hot takes from people just absolutely do not acknowledge that Taika is jewish, interesting that.
If watching the anti-aircraft fire burning into the night before the eyes of children orphaned by the Nazi isn’t enough for you to take this movie seriously than you missed the point. I know people who had their families murdered by the SS and you dishonor those memories by turning a serious film into clickbait.
You really should not be a critic. I don’t say that in a snarky or demeaning way. I say that with the sincerity of someone who doesn’t always get movies, or people, or motives. Honestly, you brought nothing to the review other than a predetermined hatred of the movie, and seeing a movie in that state is not conducive…
My grandmother survived the Holocaust by being smuggled around German attics. Jojo Rabbit was my favorite movie of 2019. This is an appalling take on a movie that tells today’s kids what being a Nazi looks like and how to stop being a Nazi, by putting it in a frame they will actually pay attention to.
JoJo Rabbit isn’t trying to make you laugh along with Nazis. It illustrates how absurd the beliefs about the Jews were, how propaganda can influence even children, and how we must never stop fighting fascism.
Agreed. This is such a weird take. It was probably my favorite movie of the year.
Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.
At home I only eat food out of coffee cups. Scrambled eggs, pretzels, whatever. I refuse to use dishes or bowls, despite having many. My Starbucks Nashville cup is my favorite. I have absolutely no idea why I do this.
After slathering my hands with lotion and putting on my Borghese conditioning gloves, I like to take a stack of Saltines, layer them with grape jelly, and eat them standing up at the kitchen sink.
Alternatively, a simple answer to all of the above:
I’ve been sitting in that uncomfortable seat for hours and my legs/knees stretching.
How sad is your life to take the time to write all this shit. I couldn’t bother myself to read it entirely.
He also made The Godfathers, Apocalypse Now, and The Conversation... not to mention Sofia Coppola. I believe he’s earned the right to give his opinion on film-making.
Ken Loach hits the nail on the head here:
Doesn’t help that the common conception of “middle class” is too broad. And everybody making over, I dunno, like $150k in household income should see a net increase in taxes larger than what they receive in additional benefits, sorry. Time to take care of the poor.
Let me get this straight, you (and apparently the beef industry) are afraid that beef is going to be taken down by the veggie burger industry? It isn’t going to happen. Not only is your preferred source of protien and vitamins going to be freely available for the foreseeable future, it just is not going to disappear.…
I once went through a tragic time. My wife left me. A day later both my parents died in a horrible jet-skiing accident. Right after being told this, my medical test results came back. I actually had TWO forms of cancer.
It's an example of how we white people are experts at not looking at the non-white world. We're raised to just not even know if exists.
SUPER excited for Catherine O’Hara to FINALLY be recognized for this, which is probably the best she’s ever been. (And the wardrobe department! I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much care and characterization put into a wardrobe on a comedy before.)
“She doesn’t seem like a particularly bad or insensitive person”