Ani DiFrank Ocean

Yeah this is true. I think he was mostly upset that maybe she was publicly shaming these men. But he is very sensitive about public interactions, anything said louder than a whisper to him can be considered yelling in public :D. I watched the videos again and they seem less 'yell-y' and more like informative.

This is where I feel confused because my BF is very progressive, he gave me a book by simone de beauvior for the holidays last year, he is aggressively vegetarian and pro-labor rights. He is a big class crusader, whenever we have debates he tends to favor the poor and working class. So I understand, respect and

He was saying that changing the attitude of disenfranchised individuals is useless. He never said 'white men should know better'. He is considering the fact that minority males have less impact and thus PUBLICLY shaming them is problematic. You take a white male who is on top of the social hierarchy and change HIS

Considering feminism hasn't been the best friend to women of color, I welcome his viewpoint on disenfranchised individuals. I think his point was that publicly shaming these men of color is problematic.

Thank you! I think these were the points he was trying to make, I might have explained them poorly.

My BF claims to be a feminist but he is much more of a class crusader and a lot of that relegates to race. I am happy to have someone who talks and thinks about these things, even if occasionally, he can be a little less sympathetic to plights of women.
I can't deny that feminism hasn't been the greatest when it comes

I think we talked about that and he said he felt MORE sympathy for women of color. As in they should be free to say whatever they please in response to street harassment.

Thank you. This is it to a TEE.

This has been a point of contention between us before. I had to start texting him every time i would get catcalled. It did not take long for him to come around. That being said, I think he has more sympathy for minorities than white people, regardless of gender.

Dang this is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

OH dang. I wish i had had this on hand when we were arguing!!!! SUCH A GOOD ONE

Ya I think this is what my BF was trying to say. Thank you!

Thank you!

I dont think it's unfair to consider the social fabric and the many struggles that different types of people bring to the table.

This is kind of how I felt too.

Yeah I agree.

He wasn't saying they get a free pass, he said publicly shaming a minority man for a sexist gesture is problematic.

Well he wasn't saying it was okay. He was just saying that he found it uncomfortable and problematic.

Yeah that was his EXACT POINT. He was very uncomfortable with all the seemingly drunk men she was confronting.