Ani DiFrank Ocean


Yeah totally. I think he was mostly bothered by the public shaming aspect. Would you yell at your harassers and film and publish the incidents?

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. But I think his big thing is like the Public Shaming. Like minority men are already marginalized so much, do we have to add to struggle by publicly shaming. I think he was irked by this one woman's approach maybe.

This is very true. I think he thinks female silence makes the situation a moot point. So we publicly shame and we feel better, and they feel worse. Or we can say nothing and neither party feels one way or the other. But i guess when men cat-call, they do feel like they are in power. Thank you for getting my train of

No, I dont think that is what he is saying. I think he is saying, what is the point. But of course confronting cat callers is up to the person who was cat-called. I think he is just pointing out that, considering they have less impact on society, there is little gain to be made by publicly shaming an already


This is really interesting and more of the dialogue I was hoping to open up.

Well, minority men do not call the shots. that is the point he is making.

He wasn't saying exactly that but I guess he was basically saying that. If it were a white dude, go ahead and shame them all you want. If it's a minority male, maybe your efforts are better spent ignoring it...

My boyfriend was watching this and we got in a pretty big argument about it. He wasn't condoning street harassment however, he said that the type of men in the video that she confronts were generally minorities and thus are already marginalized. So yelling at them in public about how offensive it is that they

whoops. mis read, cant delete this comment for some reason

Ya me too, one of my friends use to call him a lot while he was death bear. I'm not sure if they dated... my memory is fuzzy. He was really nice though!

This is so freaky. This JUST happened to me today also!! I'm starting a job search.

I like to think there are more of us than just a 'few' lol.

what does the guy say at the very end.

Was that a mike birbiglia cameo????

Lovely as in like 'loveable', like someone who is easy to love. because they are awesome

A$AP and Kanye had the best looks

fully expected to see Fred Armisen resurrect his vaguely racist Obama impression