Ani DiFrank Ocean

i thought the exact same thing, i feel like this is a recent development though. she usually reads so NORMAL looking. but thats like callista-flockhart-skinny....

just watch y tu mama tambien, you'll get your threesome

I was born at 11 pm on Dec 31st making me the LAST baby born in 1988 in Cincinnati OH. PRETTY NEAT. IMHO.

i LOOVVEEE this soup, I used to make it all the time with sweet potato instead of chicken! And no fish sauce, but it was definitely missed. My only problem was keeping the coconut milk at a watery enough consistency, it always thickened up and became like a stew instead of a soup. Pro-tip, if you can find it, use

Another commentator said that they bleed. I've definitely bled from shaving down there, I just gave up doing anything about any of it!

somehow replied to myself and dont know how to delete it....

all of the anecdotes that people are using STILL make it sound horrible. i hate when everyone just accepts something that SUCKS as something normal. taking pills/not drinking/going before your period I think are completely unreasonable preparations for something that is SO UNNECESSARY. It hurts, you bleed, for what.

I can not get behind chia seeds, talk about slimy!! Normal kombucha is not that bad to me but sucking down little tiny slimy beads with every sip is rancid!!! IMHO. However, I also strongly dislike bubble/boba tea. Maybe its just a chunks of stuff in my drink thing....

OH i love the announcements "Please move to the center of the car" but it NEVER works. Everyone who is in violation of this are always wearing headphones and can't hear anything!!

Ugh 18 year olds. UGH

RIGHT. like I understand why people don't want to move in for fear of getting stuck!

OH my god, I forgot about that other pet peeve, people who are definitely tall enough to reach the horizontal bar that spans across the benches but absolutely refuse to lift their arm up and so 5 people are crowding around a tiny vertical pole near the door, ONCE AGAIN BLOCKING PEOPLE FROM MOVING TOWARDS THE CENTER.

This was especially bad here in NY during Sandy. I'm grateful to say that a crowded bus was the most I had to deal with BUT it was beyond belief to have bus after bus skip a stop when you could see inside that there was plenty of room in the middle of the bus but no one had moved!!

THIS^ It kills me that people don't realize that when they walk they are setting the pace for everyone who is behind them!!! Just because you don't give a shit how long it takes you to get to work doesn't mean that I don't! Just move over!!

I have an IUD as well and I wonder if this explains why every month I get a crazy "MUST DIET" urge only for it to dissipate a week or two later....

Am I the only one who already does this? When I worked in restaurants I was consistently alerting my managers and chefs that it was my time of the month and so I might go into hysterics at some point in the night. I've only been at my new job two months and have already had three period conversations with my coworkers


loollll Honey Biden

omg i dont care if this is satire, i love it. there is no reason why women should enjoy watching a sport that they almost never can take part in. how can you relate to any of that shit!?!

She trained for months to do that piece. She was on a special diet and barely ate during the performance. I'm trying to find an article I read about what she had to do.....