Ani DiFrank Ocean

thats awesome that you've used one. i'm siked on that.

I totally feel this and it also relates to the general maintenance of ALL women. I abstain from shaving any part of my body mostly because I dont *feel* like it but when my friends and strangers find out they immediately try to shame me by saying its gross or something. When really, its not and who cares. But they

At first I thought, eh funny, normal cat vid. But then I noticed the ARMS ON THE COSTUMES. and I CANNOT STOP LOLLING. I've re-watched this five times and it doesn't get less funny.

I don't get this. I am aware of traditional gender roles but I have two brothers and a sister and I am a girl and we ALL did chores, there was no split between what my brothers did and what my sister and I did. My brother lives with me again as an adult and his room is a horrible wreck but I'd attribute this more to

Yeah I meant to add that! haha it was sooo hard to find before but thank you Netflix!

Balled of Maxwell Demon is an amazing song in and of itself. I love the entire soundtrack to that movie!!

Velvet Goldmine, also featuring a naked ewan mcgregor

haha I have no idea, I have been meaning to call my doctor but she switched to a new hospital and I lost her contact info. But every time I have called her previously to complain about the pain, she said I would just have to give it time. Most everyone I know with an IUD loves it and those with Mirena have like zero

I'm on Mirena and have definitely seen my moods affected. I used to get moody every three months roughly a few days before my period, now I am a horrid witch for an entire week every month. I don't suffer from any mental health issues otherwise.

All I heard about Mirena was exactly what most of these commenters have said, being that my period would become increasingly light and then cease to exist altogether. HOWEVER, I got mine in February and I have not seen any decrease in the heaviness of my periods and my cramps are so debilitating, worse then before I

ugh what is going on!?

hope this link works!

I thought the exact same thing and felt the same way.

Haha I had a moment of clairty and realized that this is my cousins frat! He had pictures of himself dressed as a Native American on his facebook but they have since been taken down....

does anyone know where i could watch this online? my roommate is being a sourpuss and won't let me use her tv.

hahaha i thought the same thing!!!

so true! not enough paul rudd though!!

omg agreed. this skit was BARELY funny the first time they did it and this is probably, the third? what is with all of this recycling of skits?!?

from alex baldwins episode.