
THANK you, grrl!

Clown Jerky! Mango flavor!

We left scouting when the new leader lady made it clear my 8 year old was expected to sell more than $1000 worth of cookies to reach the lowest tier. Fuck that noise.

Are you single now? Looking for some guidance as you navigate? Try it if you want to, don't if you don't. Sometimes that hookup evolves into more, sometimes sexual attraction flames out fast. If you have little experience with the hookup, how can you divine that it brings no sexual satisfaction? For some,

My state has about 30% of the citizenry thinking pants on a female is a crime against god/morality. Seriously, no pants. Ever.



excellent advice. I'd add: quit hanging out with those fucks you don't like. Grownups get to pick the population of their particular orbit, at least mostly.

Heh. My sister and I are totally doing this with our mom's remains. She was on the stage, so becoming starlike in perpetuity appeals to her.

I am a member of Long's community. Resources for those with mental health issues are next to nonexistent here, the county lockup runs about 30% psych holds at any time, and gun culture is entrenched. Deceleration seems impossible, like stopping the ocean. I work toward progressive ideals as an individual, and feel

described kombucha to my ignorant partner, partner totally horrified. mouth open shocked. "whaaaaaaat?!?!"


Ha! I did the rounds of our local charter schools, looking for my child's future classroom, and EVERY single one handed me a descriptive packet filled with spelling and grammar errors. Y'all are the cream of which crop, now? Kid is in pubic school now.

I've had a few years where that had to happen. I made stuff for people, and offered services. One year I painted the bathroom for my mom, and made a quilt for my dad with scraps from his mother. Last year, instead of stuff, my dad and I volunteered time together at a local day shelter, and gave what we would have

Hitatchi Magic wand. It has attachments, is available on Amazon, and works. Don't drop so much for the Lelo, underpowered and easy to break.


Carry tarot cards and bust them out on the table, offer to tell their fortunes.

My girl kid played with duplo prior to lego, built robots at age 4, and is now a stem genius. Gotta start someplace!

Thanks for that bit-I had HG, eclampsia, emergency c @ 29 weeks. I also had a big fat fantasy about my birth plan that took a long time (years) to come to peace with. It was what it was, we lived. Now we are almost 14 years out and so proud of our brave and strong kiddo who KNOWS when it is time to GO. We made that
