
1. Taylor just wanted her masters, Scooter (that name, my God) bought the whole company. Unless Taylor had tried to buy the company for $300 million, you cannot assume that Borchetta picked his offer because he was a man.

No need to put shareholder in quotes. He was a shareholder in the very literal definition of the word. One does not have to be a shareholder to be on the board of a company. In fact, companies intentionally put non-shareholders on their boards.

Swift made a very singular complaint about how it is unfair she doesn’t own her own masters per a contract she signed that made her hundreds of millions of dollars in which she presents herself as a “bullied” victim.

Also, many creatives don’t own their products when they rely on companies for distribution and marketing.

This.  OTOH if they did offer her a chance to purchase the rights at the same price Braun paid it’s hard to see the fault on the part of the company-- they’re under no obligation to give her a discount and doing so while a nice story would have been financially irresponsible. 

In the course of my job, I had to read thousands of recording contracts, dated from 1950-2012. It was eye opening to see how unfair those contracts were to artists earlier in the careers, but interesting to watch how they changed as artists were able to take more control of their careers and music. Janet Jackson’s

I do have issues with a record label owning the creative works of an artist in perpetuity.

I think that Swift was able to sign a new deal that gives her ownership of her product is fair, as she has proven her market value, but I don’t think it’s unfair that new artists don’t typically own their masters. As long as they rely on labels to make heavy initial outlays in marketing and distribution the deal isn’t


This is a real weird framing for this article. As a nonbinary person I would actively prefer it to be /more/ difficult to identify me over the system identifying my gender more accurately.

Whoa whoa whoa

Yeah, Chicago police and the DA office should just stop enforcing and prosecuting the law/crimes below the level of manslaughter/murder by police, amirite?

If a hate crime is a serious crime, then false accusations of a hate crime is also a serious crime.

Maybe. She had visions of moving up to senator. Won’t happen now

I believe that Jussie received deferred prosecution, so double jeopardy wouldn't apply to him.

He was prepared to destroy the lives of people in the area just for his shit career. He betrayed every community he was a part of. And tried to burn people of the opposite color. He’s trash at the highest level and should be prosecuted

FFS— not a minute too soon if you ask me.  This baby of a man deserves a real prosecution.  His actions were beyond reprehensible. What a child. 

I think you have had to have actually been prosecuted for the charges for double jeopardy to apply? Not sure. 

I don’t think so. He never had his day in court.

Hm, let’s see; two black brothers associated to Smollett admit to faking a hate crime and Smollett, in the end, was more than happy to forfeit his bail and agree to community service and you still believe into this great conspiracy against poor Jussie? That’s cute!