
Because maybe this guy should be in jail for committing multiple crimes.

I like Taylor, but this album looks like a mess. Your almost 30yrs old your music should mature. 

She cares so little about what her critics think that she’s been writing songs about it for like a decade. 

For the opening number of an awards show, it’s best not to reference a recent iconic performance from another artist at another award show. 

Seems like an appropriate follow up to "look what you made me do".

I’m I the only one who’s sick of her whole “I’m kind of an emotionally abusive girlfriend who is crazy, demanding, and always yelling and fighting with you, but like, I’m cute” vibe?

No, no, no. Showgirls was and remains an epic bomb. I will not be convinced otherwise by revisionist criticism. I was there when it came out and watching it was like driving corkscrews into my eyeballs.

I don’t buy this “from another time” line. My aunties worked in a bank back when they were students, and they describe this sort of behaviour (and much worse) from the men. Women didn’t like it then and we still don’t like it. Back then, women’s opportunity for paid work was much more limited, the gender pay gap was

At this point I just can’t see what evidence Mueller could provide that would cause the GOP to impeach Trump. Trump could bring Putin to the senate floor and say “this is my leader” and they would applaud. 

The jaguar was only doing what is in its nature to do—strange animal/potential prey comes near, attack it.

This is a wrong and bad take, and the type of “Jews aren’t loyal to this country” trope that Omar is getting rightly criticized for. 

From a legal perspective this is all very normal and expected. The judge seems to be doing a good job of being fair but firm and going very by the book, which is exactly what you want to see in a case like this.

Loathe as I am to praise anything Trump has done but the ideal tax situation is to owe a little at the end of the year. If you get a refund you’ve essentially given the government an interest free loan.

Richest man in the world who does not have a pre-nup has an extended affair with a woman whose manager and brother is friends with Roger Stone.

after the first allegation surfaced, i saw a sickening number of democrats at other sites who wanted to “wait for more facts” and “give the state party time to formulate a strategy” before fairfax even thought about resigning.

It’s def a huge social taboo and societal misogyny. 

Yea, you should be.  If you’re paying over $10K in property taxes and income taxes (and I am), I would want my state and local government to be a bit more accountable.

You have to look at how much taxes total tax liability for the year, regardless of how is left to pay once you file your taxes or how much you get refunded. It is the total amount tax liability that matters, and it should go down for all people using standard deduction.

Actually it was. Most of the top 2% saw an increase due to limited deductions.

You ignored warnings to check your withholding and you ended up not withholding enough money to cover your taxes. Stop blaming other people for your fuck up.