
I don’t understand the point of this post. It’s just repeating over and over that shitty people defended Brett Kavanaugh, even though he’s scum. Ok. We knew that. There is no new information, no theory or thesis, no question answered, it doesn’t go anywhere. And the headline doesn’t really tie in with the post and is

Jezebel isn’t much better, folks. Hate to break this news — but in 2010, I had a nervous breakdown over the sexual harassment and abuse I suffered at WNBC Radio when I was turning 26 years old in 1981. I was sexually solicited, emotionally battered, had my job record falsified, was fired, and blackballed from NBC. I

isn’t that exactly what makes it remarkable and newsworthy, though? that he didn’t have to do this and wasn’t necessarily expected to, but did? admittedly, there may be other reactions i simply haven’t seen, but it seems like the response to this has largely been one of surprise an awe, not because he “had to” do it

Considering Jez shadow-bans every account that doesn’t parrot the company line, it’s not a surprise. 

This.. Thanks for saying exactly whats in my mind. Coming from the tech field myself and helping companies transform with AI, his freedom dividend makes absolute sense. He is also the only candidate who has a grasp of tech. Tech used by our govt is getting antiquated. Having someone with Yang’s perspective will be

100% agree this might be the worst smear article I have ever seen written. As a journalist of any sort you should be ashamed. Do some research.

Now playing

This is the most ridiculous smear of Yang I have seen thus far, congrats.

A Scotus nomination almost got derailed and the justice will have to live in infamy for the rest of his life because one woman claimed that he sexually assaulted her 35 years ago, without any corroborating evidence or witnesses. It was just her word against his. To this day, not a single person has come forward and

I’m no bot nor Russian, these smears are tiresome and demonstrably false. I’m not attacking you, I question where you got these ideas. Have you even listened to Tulsi? Or have you been listening to your favorite liberal program tell you what to regurgitate? Tulsi’s record speaks for itself, her legislation to preserve

I guess I can do nothing but shrug. During the last debate when Harris delivered the people’s elbow to Biden’s throat, everyone was in favor of that particular beatdown. Now that the script was turned on one of the favorites, we are being told it’s not a wrestling match. But that is precisely what it is. Let’s not

Properly condemn Assad? Woman what are you on about? All Tulsi gabbard deadly refuse to participate in the call to war in Syria. We have seen this dance before with Saddam Hussein and she refused to participate.

Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, when they were made/released, were amazing because no one else in American cinema was doing ANYTHING like that. The snap of the dialogue, the gritty quirkiness of most of the characters, the time-skipping, the sucker punches of violence, and the genius casting and scoring were so out

There’s something weird to me about this article and I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. Maybe its that you object to news outlets highlighting that they met online and that their online selves might be relevant to her murder? 

Remember when Gawker was run by a gay man who felt like it was his duty to expose every closeted gay man he could find? Seems like maybe Rich misses those days.

Rich Juzwiak not understanding something because it doesn’t fit his extremely privileged worldview is such a common occurrence on this site that we could fill volumes with the text.

Homo here, and holy hell, am I beyond sick of Media Gays and their screeds about who is or is not Gaying the Right Way.

The idea that there is a such thing as “not gay enough” to represent th community is just as homophobic as the idea that someone is “too gay” to be president. So yeah, it’s homophobic.

I am so tired of this “it took him 33 years to come out.” Are gays supposed to come out the moment they are born? Jesus Christ this is so fucking stupid.

It was a bitchy piece and it is homophobic because the intent was to undermine Pete as a gay man by the author and the website. 

Also, it’s pretty idiotic to defend the piece and blame the readers for not getting it without noting the place of publication. Peck writes this for The Advocate, it might generate an interesting intra-gay debate. He writes it for the white neoliberal crowd who still reads The New Republic and it gets traction because