Anhedral Knievel

Oh, yes. Heaven forbid that Penn State should ever be allowed to move on from its shameful past. We must grind their noses into the dirt. They must suffer interminably. Bad, bad Penn State. The people who played tonight must take no pride in their accomplishment, because ooriginal sin and all that.

HamNo is very good at reducing large complex ideas into small digestible bites. It’s why I have a problem with so many of his posts. He makes a pronouncement and then has nothing to back it up; like his word is good enough. If he feels that way, his posts should be labeled opinion and not an article or journalism. An

The last time I saw a Smith bounce like that, I don’t have a punchline for this joke.

So you didn’t have time to write a mailbag column because you were shooting a TV show?

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

Well. Now I have some things to reconsider.

Welcome to the lacrosse field, rookie. Rules are simple. 74 men in mesh shorts try to capture your egg with their nets. Any questions? No? Good. Just go sign up with Montana and Breshley at the Bud Light Lime stage and they’ll give you the organic pecan oil you’ll need for your uniform.


Yea well Superman never lost to an FCS team at home

When will school administrations and faculty get more liberal?!?!

I’ll take Brady Quinn for $200


Spare us all.

“Mathematically, I had to do it, Jerry.”

The Bradford trade makes more sense now

That was fantastic.

Oh, so you want to be outraged? Check out what their division rivals from NYC wore on their helmets, on this day of all days

As a lifelong Jets fan, I call days like this “Sunday.”

Authorities recovered a list made by the caller entitled Ways To Make Money:

When I stand for the anthem I start mentally checking off the various ballpark foods I want to eat that day.

Live look at Drew Magary: