What if he likes Pulp, tho?
What if he likes Pulp, tho?
most of them time they just want to tell you their favorites and pay no attention to any opinions that they don’t generate themselves.
How is this even possible? What is their justification?
how do you tell?
Aside from Spicer’s shitty record, he’s still fundraising for GOP candidates. Giving him free publicity on ABC means more donations for other politicians.
Your mom’s edgy and disgusting.
We switched to Sling TV so we no longer have ABC, so we won’t be subjected to Dancing with the Stars any more, not even in commercials. It’s a good feeling.
I guess my advice to get deeper into Classical music (or any kind of music that you may want to like but have difficulty connecting with) is to make a playlist. Not too long - 20-30 tracks max. Keep going back to it until it clicks, and delete out the stuff you are sure you are never going to like.
Of course that’s a very loose cover of this, possibly the best Fall song.
I am sure the majority of the cops can’t stand the negative press that guys like Pantaleo and Lynch’s defense of him bring to the department as a whole.
It’s kind of amazing that union leaders like Turco and Patrick Lynch can’t dial it back when they obviously need to. Even in highly polarized and dick-headed New York the majority of civilians would probably agree that something went, shall we say, awry with the Eric Garner arrest, and that this is not how our…
My experience with Low is that some people always like to talk over the music - even when they are the headliners.
the main point original letter was basically “people won’t even look up from their phones to order”.
If you’re at a bar, it’s almost certainly for the communal experience...
If this is a first job (and it sounds like it) why not grocery or retail? Easier to get, lower stakes. Graduate to waiting tables in a year or two.
Yeah exactly. It gets tired to make the comparison, but imagine if the Obama administration had gotten caught commandeering private property for a dumb press conference. We’d hear days and days of criticism about how they were out-of-control dictators.
I feel like lock-ins are still for parties that show up well before close, though. You start at 9:15 when the closing time is 10? Sure, stay and shoot the shit and drink your wine.
Doesn’t matter, though. Even if we agree that your friend “stole” a subsidized education from the taxpayers of North Carolina, there’s a certain % of acceptable loss in that model. That’s just how the typical public uni works.
If the state is paying for your education, why shouldn’t they see some of the benefit?
Wouldn’t it be nice if it became fashionable to hire people who went to state schools? All of these elite institutions like the New York Times could think of the social good they are doing, passing over those who pursued lavish “Cadillac educations” for those who were sensible and mingled with the grubby middle class.