Bravo, you guys have reached a new level of irrational, personal hate for a politician.
Bravo, you guys have reached a new level of irrational, personal hate for a politician.
All I hear is the left whining about the electoral college not Trump. Gaslight much?
Did democrats ever care? Really both sides suck at fiscal responsibility.
Replacement? Also you are advocating killing people? Get outta here, you sound like the violent one.
Talk is cheap, who has actually been resisting for the last 3 years?
Oh its armed inability to accept now. Well armed or not it never happened on the right. Moving the goalposts... again.
In shock for 3 years? Please, talk about excusing your behavior.
Damage to one side’s agenda not the actual fabric of the nation. You fail to make this distinction.
Project much? Yes the right hates America so much they want borders and a strong economy, the fiends! They also want actual proof of Russian collusion not hyperbole and secret promised evidence that never manifests. LET. IT. GO.
Any real proof in your pile of hyperbole? Thats like... your opinion... man.
Red, white and blue is obnoxious to you? Makes sense.
Something one half of one house of congress voted for that went no where and means nothing to anyone except leftists?
If Trump is so stupid he does he keep getting the better of the left?
Did you miss the part where budget planning started under Obama and the current plane will be retired soon because maintenance is becoming too expensive? The paint job is very minor compared to the overall price tag.
Do you believe your run of the mill internet tough guy snark is either original or impressive? Yes, everyone who doesn’t walk lock step with you is a moron, sure. We used to have discussions in this country.
You lost the plot when you started throwing Nazis into it. Sheesh your idea of Trump is far worse than the actual Trump.
A political body will never be unbiased or uncompromised, which is why this is a political process, not a legal trial.
I think he is speaking more to the precedent it sets. No impeachment has ever been tried in the first term but now it seems more political tool than fail-safe. The democrats messed up in the house, they should have taken their time, built the case more and heard more witnesses. Depending on the Senate to hear…
The Buu arc was a huge drop in quality anyway. SSJ3 looked ridiculous and Buu was an idiotic and annoying villain. This was also the era when all supporting characters were ridiculously outclassed and the only real threats were Goku who had a time limit, Vegeta who blew himself up and the always disappointing Gohan.
His callers seem unrealistic. They always have like 60-80K of debt and they make something like 500K a year. They could pay it off in a few months! Reminds me of the old house hunter show where you would have two guitar teachers and their budget is 1.5 million.