
Scandinavia has incredibly high taxes and is a much smaller, homogeneous example.

Do you have any idea how miserable day to day life was in the USSR or currently in Venezuela? You NEVER go full communist. I could support Capitalism/Socialism hybrids but communism is not the way.

While I have not lived your life anymore than you have lived mine you show yourself to be ignorant of history if you think being paid less is equal to being locked in prison for life or killed because of political dissent.

The Irony is under Marx and Engles these developers would likely not be receiving awards or even get to choose the field they work in. I really don’t get how a philosophy that has failed over and over is still held in such esteem.

Driving is just a means to get to Whole Foods then back on the Peloton for your perfectionist husband. 

Legendary Alfa unreliable-ness combined with FCA’s general shoddy manufacturing and bingo! Overpriced junk car! Sure they look good and go like heck when running, once again when running.

But does he yell at his staff and act like a petulant baby enough? Rest in peace Mr. Jobs but boy were you overrated. 

Also from Raleigh, sounds on point for a southern mother, blunt and always speaking their minds. Don’t cross mom. 

I was also edumacated, only knew 240 and 280.

You don’t seem to have the slightest clue about comedians. Do you know how many years of crap, failure and heckling that they have to put up with to make it? They are generally some of the thickest skinned people in the world.

As long as it is politics you agree with right? 

No need to repeat yourself. So Chappell is a white man now?

Something few sellers understand, your repairs don’t add value and your modifications likely subtract value. A well maintained car with all the records will usually sell faster and closer to the asking price, but value is not inflated. Just like if you total your car the insurance company doesn’t care how well it was

This is why I have about twenty 10mm sockets, one of them is bound to show up. They should sell them in bulk near the AA batteries. 

You really are coming off as an angry, irreverent child. I don’t think hurling insults and acting like history began when you were born is very endearing. You aren’t changing any minds with your rhetoric just breeding more resentment. Also for the record I am a millennial.

The difference is those couples aren’t buying GMCs or a Lexus, they are buying the most jacked up, useless, blobby MB or BMW they can overpay for. 

There should be a show or short about the passive agressive trust fund/yuppie couples in these commercials trying to outspend each other. “Well MY daddy left us THREE different trust funds.”

I hope these memes are still a thing. “She collects aluminum cans on the street, he is on his 10th year of disability, their budget is $1.5 million.”

Yes! This! Every time I see that commercial where the wife claims the truck the husband intended to keep the man must be thinking “Oh well, I’ll just dip into daddy’s trust fund again for another truck.” Who knew the target demographic was trust fund kids and plastic surgeons? 

Clarkson as usual expresses himself as crudely as possible but he does have a point. Going around being histrionic and saying were all going to suffer doesn’t exactly change minds, it generates hysteria and resentment. Show us some measured steps we can take, a plan we can follow instead of over the top hysterics.