
Been there too, usually a nice mix of classic cars but a lot of cheaply modified Mustangs and a ton of Chargers and Challengers. overall seemed a pretty decent crowd though, kind of surprising.

Funny, seems like most US automakers besides Ram trucks still haven’t figured out that el cheapo interiors aren’t a good thing. 

Wow you really focused on the one thing that had nothing to do with the article except the title. This is about China, nothing to do with white guys unless you mean Adam Silver. 

Don’t really know of anyone personally in the US, left or right, who is too keen on China. I also haven’t seen anyone advocating for slavery and genocide in the US. 

Better than being in a camp because of your race and religion (see Muslims in China) or being denied travel, job or housing because the state deems you unworthy (social credit). Capitalism can be cruel but at least everyone is given a chance instead of being dictated to from on high. 

First our movies now our basketball. Strange being economically tied to a country that manipulates their own currency. We are so tied to their markets that they can hurt us, as seen by tariffs, but they are dealing with a stacked deck. It isn’t so much about the % of our debt that they hold, Japan actually holds more.

Now when I see an Infinity I imagine it saying in grandpa Simpson’s voice “I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems weird and scary to me, and it’ll happen to you, too.” 

Now every time I drive my XJR I will be dwelling on the spurious glamour of a flat torque curve. Lies, it’s all lies!

Heck the Blues Brothers could plow through a whole strip mall and still drive to Daly plaza. Of course they had cop tires, cop shocks and a 440 cube plant.

Yes it is a crapshoot as to if the aftermarket SC came with an upgrade to the engine’s internals, at least the headgasket. 20 year old engine with 140K already under stress being yolked to a 5000lb+ vehicle, seems like a time bomb. 

Good point, people often forget it is a 30 year old engine that was discovered in an American boat yard after GM gave up on it. It was average reliable and usually tied to a vehicle far too heavy for it’s meager output. 

What is wrong with Ford parts? Compared to Lucas and junk left over from British Leyland Ford parts are solid as a rock, an upgrade. 

So you don’t believe both sides harbor corruption and constant gotcha tactics? Have you missed politics for the last decade? Its all sound bytes and narratives now. Pretending one side is innocent while another is just evil is childish and naive and shows bias.

Please, the Panthers brought on Reid and Boston when no one would touch them. This isn’t about kneeling or outspoken players, Panthers just don’t see his abilities as fixing things. Panthers have enough hard luck and have accepted more than their fair share of controversial players.

Or when all public roads are ground into rutty dust.

and a banana in the tailpipe.

If that is the standard New England is coached by the Night King. Cold, emotionless, resurrects careers and ultimately slayed by the youngest member of a football dynasty, Eli.

Because the writers of the Gawker family and many journalists in general start with a negative view of any organization stacked with white guys, particularly rich white guys. Therefore the owners and GM of the Raiders are starting with negative credit. The actions of the two parties seem to matter little, it’s all

Didn’t know the Bahamas was a state, or even a US territory. Does Trump rule the world?

Remember Hurricane Hazel? I do. Climate change on that one too?