
There are plenty of good people out there we just don’t hear about it because:

Eh, like you cited they can get excited when they beat up on non-cupcakes.

The lady that was on Dr. Phil?

Usually because the manager is also a shit-heel and neither one should be employed outside of a gas station.

Truth. Can’t tell you how many supposedly progressive companies I’ve worked for where the boss’ buddies get the perks and promotions regardless of competency. Once had a mediocre co-worker who spent more time pulling pranks than doing his job get the open management position because he was the director’s drinking

HR is literally the most vapid part of any company, look at how companies treat job applicants, like dogs or children. If you can’t build/engineer, lead or sell go to HR. 

Because many people see cars as a brick that takes you to Dennys.

Hasn’t been an issue since about 1996 when Ford kicked Lucas out.

Many of the Ford parts used such as the electronics were actually vastly more reliable. Ford also sunk about 150 million in 90's dollars into improved build quality. The SC XJR/XKR were also born under Ford’s watch. Ford wisely left most of the design to Jaguar until about 2004 when the XJ became what I refer to as

For those of us who use the back seat for little more than laptops and groceries the SWB is great. In China the LWB is a must, as those who can afford them usually are chauffeured.

Well not since 1996 or so when Ford nixed the Lucas crap.

As an owner of a 90's XJR I say get them while they are cheap, well worth it. I commute with one every other day of the week and it can still outpace most cars on the road and surprisingly reliable if well cared for.

Tesla has excellent engineering no doubt, however the build quality and luxury are suspect. Bob lutz had it right, if a bit harsh when he pegged it a “$30,000 car with a $70,000 drivetrain”

Truly surprised at the amount of people vehemently defending the X-type, had no idea it was so beloved. I’ve owned and currently drive X308's because they are smooth, relatively easy to work on and surprisingly reliable if you do routine maintenance. I have had two easily pass 150K with no major issues before I sold

Aside from maybe the F-type Jags lost their Jagness in 2004.

Still love Matt LeBlanc’s Top Gear review. “JESUS CHRIST!”

He did note they were 2017 dated or about two years old. David takes his used tires very seriously, there is a long thread in one of his stories explaining his methodology.

It isn’t about what Marx wrote it is about how things have played out in reality. Most successful examples of Capitalism or Socialism have been a blend of the two and in the cases of most Socialist societies built off the wealth already generated by previous Capitalism. Pure, rigid philosophies be it Capitalism or

Oh I don’t know, 3.7% unemployment and the best chance of gainful employment in any industrialized country seem pretty good. I have always advanced my career if unhappy by changing my job instead of waiting for a suspect employer to right the ship. No one said life is easy.

If you get any glaring looks from neighbors just remind them it isn’t a Mustang, they have nothing to fear.