
This is what we have descended to. Damn the facts we just need to get our divisive, grouping, race and gender based agenda out there. The vast majority of Americans try every day to be as fair and colorblind as possible but news outlets want us to believe it is a 24/7 race war. It is lowest common denominator,

It was funny but this wasn’t a gaffe it was intentional so they couldn’t justify keeping him. Guy had to know there would be hell to pay. Kind of like having a presentation and including a picture of your overweight boss with the caption “known over-eater”.

Clamshell station wagon.


Rebelling against his Deadhead father? Makes sense. 

Most traffic I see follows the +5 mph rule, myself included. I once got pulled for doing 77 in a 70 zone in VA while attempting to pass (thankful it wasn’t 80!) so 10% may be a bit too much once you get past 65.

Everyone knows it is excu-u-use me, princess. 

With caution I would still stop. The day we stop helping each other due to fear is the day we truly die as a society. I’ve stopped to help maybe 8-9 people in my lifetime and all were positive and appreciative. However none were flagging people down they were usually walking from their car to the nearest gas station. I

Exactly, I was looking for the asterisk or small print claiming “based on customers who drive less than 3K a year on sunny days.”

Something to challenge the Fiat Maserati.

Mazda Navajo anyone? Acura SLX?

I suppose it is more about authenticity than practicality. Plus odds are a Toyota engine, even if less powerful, would likely be more durable. The LFA was Toyota’s engineering showpiece. I guess Toyota looked at the numbers and found the most cost effective way to bring the Supra back with respectable performance. 

Grrrraarrarrrr, we don’t like it!

Brilliant summation of projecting our own expectations onto others. This isn’t the same Toyota or automotive environment. It is when they make the cars you aren’t expecting that legends are made, there wasn’t a bar to meet.

Torque trumps diplomatic immunity.

Profits over passions. The GT-R is the last hand built engine (NSX hybrid excluded) from the big 3 in Japan and a Nissan factory is churning out new classic engines. However Japanese car companies posted higher profit margins than their German rivals last year by adopting the standardization of their European

Power shouldn’t be an issue. I’m sure the BMW 6 will be plenty and there is such thing as too much power in a lightweight car, where it becomes unusable (See early V8 F-types before AWD).

I was more interested in the drivetrain than the looks. The Gen IV Supra was arguably kind of bland style wise and some parts haven’t aged well. The 2JZ and it’s legendary durability and tune-ability made the Supra famous, sought after and uniquely Toyota. The new Supra is a BMW transplant. Maybe it isn’t a logical

Awww, when you said Mugen I thought it was going to fight Peter Griffin, Big Bird and Megaman, but I guess this is cool.

It doesn’t seem unreasonable to expect 1000 lb-ft. Probably more like 950 but seems like it would be a great marketing gimmick. Everyone needs to be able to pull a house off of it’s foundation, in case you run into some rogue diplomats.