
Flux capacitor?

500 of them at that.

RR was churning out Meteors in the big one.

Surprising commenters here are skeptical about people doing their own maintenance. How do we know the poster isn’t a mechanic? Everyone is looking to strike on the interwebs.

When is the hydraulic press getting it’s own show? I’d rather watch this than the smug rip off artist on Fantomworks.

Part of the problem in California is real estate prices, regulations and taxes mean most developers would lose money building low to middle income housing without tax breaks, etc. Developers make more money per sq ft building posh condos and so forth and will continue to do so as long as demand exists.

I agree this is a little much and HOAs can get a bit carried away but their purpose is to protect property values. How would you feel if you paid 200K for a house that now can’t even sell for 150K because your neighbor parks clunkers in his yard. Jeeps are excluded.

A purely emotional response on his part. You are correct you cannot make a legally binding contract where the consideration is an illegal act. False equivalence. 

This may be a dick move on the part of the owner but it isn’t illegal. The owner should make it more clear to new tenants and as a result he should feel the pain in vacancies and reduced cash flow due to ridiculous rules. However excellent example of reading what you sign.

Sounds like you are endorsing the Clarkson method.

No biggie, just pour hard plastic into a larger mold and viola! 2004 Grand Prix.

Dewey Cox was also panned when it came out but is now a cult classic with some surprisingly real moments. Is this the same category or just plain awful?

You can’t reason with people spending that much money to make a depreciating asset even less valuable, bravo!

Best summation I’ve heard. 

It’s got that trail rated plastic.

Even the most country of people hate truck bros. They are a joke to everyone but themselves, loading their trucks with only the best cheap junk Pep Boys sells and equipping headlights so bright they are guaranteed to burn the retinas of anyone travelling in the opposite direction.

The Wrangler is not meant for high speed. Anyone who has ever owned a cloth top knows this. Jeep put a 6.4 and a Hellcat 6.2 in a Grand Cherokee because they could engineer a somewhat driveable vehicle. They knew a 6.4 manual Wrangler would be a deathtrap, lawsuit and revenue black hole (considering engineering costs

Seems a little suspect that people are outraged now instead of years ago when this happened. 

What would you classify as a “horrendous” crime? What about crime in general? So are you saying you are ok with having a permanent underclass that we pay menial wages to? What about the fact that much of the money they earn is not reinvested in the US economy and funneled out of the country? 

This seems like one of those if you have to ask why so expensive or just WHY, then you just don’t get it scenarios